Chapter 25

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Tyler's POV
It turns out Ashley was right! Ian and Lucy have been going out for a while..... years even, it wasn't just a drunken mistake. Lucy told Ashley that she didn't want anyone to find out because of the not dating co stars rule..... Me and Ashley broke that, but they didn't mind everyone knew it would happen sooner or later. Me and Ash promised that we would say because Lucy didn't need the stress. I couldn't agree more! I'm just glad that they are both happy. Were as Ashley isn't...... She hates not working, not seeing Troi, Luce, Shay, Keegs, Ian and all of the crew. We were both lying in bed because Ashley was tired, I was playing with her hair because I knew she liked that, I felt her curl up in to a ball. "Ash? What's wrong?" I asked her "oh nothing I just want to be close to Hanna" she said smiling, I laughed "she inside of you how much closer can you get!" I said she sat up and looked at me "it's going to hurt a lot isn't it?" She said looking worried "yes Babe it will but I will by you the hole time and it will be worth it to see our beautiful little hanna" I say softly, she starts to cry I just hold her because I know it's scary, it's a big step in her life.
Ashley's POV
I'm so terrified! "Tyler?" I said sniffling "yes?" He said looking down at me "what if something happens to her? What if the birth doesn't go well? What if she doesn't make it and it's my fault!" I say breaking down again, "you can't think like that! If Hanna has got both of our geans in her she will be strong, your a fighter Ashely, you will both get through it" Tyler says kissing me "I love you" I said smiling because I can't help but smile when I'm with him. We both just stare into each others eyes, Hold each other close. I was drifting off to sleep when I heard him whisper "I love you too."

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