Chapter 9

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3 weeks later
Ashley's POV
Today we are shooting the 100th episode of PLL. I'm very excited. Caleb is back in town, which Tyler is happy about, he has missed everyone a lot. "Hey Ash? I was thinking after filming we all go out for a drink to celebrate 100 episodes?" Tyler asked "yeah sure! It is our 100th episode we should be together" i stated "I won't be drinking" "of course not!" Tyler shouted from the kitchen.
Tyler's POV
Ashley is now 1 month pregnant, she has a little bump but you wouldn't notice it if you didn't know. Ashley and Lucy told the girls last week, they were over the moon! They were all squealing "WERE GONNA BE AUNTIES OF MINI LUCIAN AND TYSHLEY!" I told the boys in a chilled way but they ended up squealing " WERE GONNA BE UNCLES! OF TWO BABIES!" Can't say it didn't feel good :) We went to our first doctors appointment the other day. Everything is fine the baby's heartbeat is strong and it's healthy. We can't find out if it's a boy or a girl for another 3months! Ahhhh! I really want to know if it's Hanna or Caleb. Yes cheesy I know but they are what brought me and Ashley together in the first place. And for that they will always be me and Ash's favourite characters.

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