Chapter 26

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Ashley's POV
I wake up still cuddling up to Tyler, I try to get up with out waking him. I was half way down the stairs when I heard a loud *bang*. I run upstairs to see what was the matter I could only notice Tyler on the floor laughing. "What happened?" I said confused "I fell! I was still sleeping I was going to cuddle up to you and you weren't there so I kinda fell off the bed" he says blushing as he laughed, I helped him up, he's quite heavy " Ashley stop!" He said as I struggle to get him up "oh yeah sorry" I said dropping him back to the floor , oops :) " Ow bloody hell Ash? Drop he harder could you!" Tyler said angrily "I'll make breakfast!" I said laughing as I walk away.
Tyler's POV
I was getting dresses when I had a phone call, I ran down stairs so fast to tell Ashley, I could her her singing while making breakfast. "Tyler nows not the time to admire her"! I said to myself. "Ashley!!" I shouted "what?!?" He said frantically "Lucy's gone in to labour!" I said out of breath. "Let's go!" She screamed grabbing her keys.

A|N: sorry it's short but I have written two chapters today! Hope you enjoy! I know your all wondering when Hanna's going to be born..... Promise in the next few chapters I have not that much drama left until hanna arrives 👍 Thankyouu for your on going support couldn't do it without you!!

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