Chapter 21

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Ashley's POV
It's just me in my house , Tyler went to the party earlier to help set up. I was getting changed and I felt a wave of nausea hit me I ran to the bathroom. After about an hour I stopped puking my guys up, I felt awful.
Shays POV
"Shay!!" Tyler shouted "yes?" I said "Ashley's suppose to be here by now!" Tyler said nervously "ill ring her! calm down!" I say laughing a bit. I pick up my phone and ring Ashley. "Hello?" She says really weakly "hey Ash it's Shay! Where are you?" I asked quite concerned "in my house I just had the worst morning sickness I think any woman can have. I'm not feeling to good I don't think I can come" she says rather sadly "Ashley you need to!" I scream "why?" She asked confused "Tyler says he needs to talk to you it's really serious and he doesn't want to do it over the phone" I say confidently " oh....... Umm okay" Ashley said shakily "I'm coming!" She said while letting out a cry before putting the phone down. Tyler was walking over to me "is she coming?" He asked "yeah she said she just spewed her guts up, tyler I think something's wrong" I say nervously "why?" He yells back "I told her you need to talk to her about something and you don't want to do it over the phone" I say quickly "that's true"he said confused "when I told she let out a cry" I said "she hates being sick it's probably about that" he says which calms me down.
Ashley's POV
I'm so nervous! I've been pacing up a down my house for about 3 minutes. Something serious...... He doesn't want to do it over the phone..... He's breaking up with me! I've been a nightmare with this pregnancy and it's stressing him out! I'm not good enough for him anymore! I start to cry. I feel really light headed, I decide that I will go to the party. As I'm walking out of my house the cold air hits me face and
everything goes black.
Tyler's POV
I'm stressing out! Ashley was suppose to be here like half an hour ago! What if she has worked out what I'm about to ask her and she doesn't want to marry me! As I carry on pacing I get a phone call, unknown number "hello?" I say "are you Tyler Blackburn?" He says worriedly "yes can I help you?" I ask "do you know a girl called Ashley Benson?" The man asked "yes she's my girl friend" I say "um we've found her outside your house, she's unconscious sir can you please get to the hospital as soon as possible" the man said "yes! I will be there straight away!" I yell while running to the door "Tyler! Where are you going?" Shay screams "Ashley's unconscious I need to go the the hospital!" I say while crying.

A|N: The edit I used for the photo was made by @halebtyshley follow and read her fanfiction it's amazing 😊
~ Ruth

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