Chapter 4 Wake Up

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A tingly numbness started in my neck and coursed down my arms. I clutched a hand over my heart, it wasnt beating. Yet I felt the sluggish flow of blood in my veins. A cold sweep of fear washed over me.
"Anthony", I called, my voice barely above a whisper. He was already at my side helping me out of my grave. Ronnie was there stretching, every bone in his body cracked with protest.
"Shit", he said, "I'm stiff as hell."
"Both of you follow me to the car and get in", Anthony said demandingly. I guess you're always in a rush when bringing the dead to life.
We followed him into the all black hummer. It reminded me of a kid following a stranger to a car, not knowing where he was going. But Anthony isn't a stranger.... So why do I feel strange?
"Okay where do I start?" Obviously he was talking to himself so neither Ronnie nor I spoke.
Anthony sat back in his seat letting out an exhausted sigh. His mouth opened and closed several times before he ever spoke. I could tell he was having a hard time choosing his words.
"We are living in a world you know nothing about yet", he began, "Everyone and everything isn't what it seems. Neither one of you are normal anymore....."
"What do you mean we aren't normal anymore?" Ronnie asked.
Something didn't feel right within me. I had the urge to fuck and it was strong. I checked myself in the rearview mirror, and was shocked by my new appearance.
My normally caramel skin now glowed an intense gold. And my regular brown eyes had turned a blazing blue. My hair was also now black and blue.
"I brought you back, but I didn't bring you back human. The creature you've become was based on the type of dream you had."
"What have you done to us?" My voice cracked a little.
"Given you a second chance at life Ronnie you're a incubus and Love you're a succubus."
"WHAT THE HELL ANTHONY?!" I couldn't keep the anger from invading my voice. "YOU'VE TURNED US INTO WALKING SEX SACKS YOU SON OF A-"
"Watch the bitch word Love."
Anthony silently started the car and I couldn't help but notice how quiet Ronnie was. He drove out of the graveyard and headed towards the city. I looked back at Ronnie just to check on him.
His dark skin complexion glowed like mines. His eyes were a fiery orange and blue. I looked away, worried I'd be turned on by the mere sight of him.
What was happening to us meant one thing: We needed sex, and I needed it now.
The sex is what drives succubi and incubi, forcing us to hunt people down and having incredible mind-blowing sex every forty-eight hours. As you get closer to your time, your eyes darken to their unnatural color, your skin becomes sensitive and glows, and everything turns you on. Everything. The urge for sex makes it impossible to forget sex- you live, breathe, (or in my case dont breathe) eat, and drink it. Crave it like oxygen and water.
I had a definite craving right now.
"Drive faster to where ever it is you're going," my voice was husky and I could hear the desperation.
Anthony did as I said and hit the gas. In the backseat Ronnie groaned, but not in pain, I could tell he needed sex as bad as I did.

Breath AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora