"U-Uh yeah sure. Then where would you like to go after school tomorrow, mine or yours?"He asked again.

My mind started drifting again. I wonder what part of America Edward is from, he has a very weird accent. Not at all southern or nothern, those are about the only two I know. It sounds somehow english, with just a hint of his accent when pronouncing his vowels very weird.

"You zone out quite alot." He teases a smile finding its way onto his face.

"And you talk alot. No wonder I zone out," I snap back, and he should have scowled like everyone does or have been mortified by my harsh tone, but he laughed. The guy actually laughed at my anger, instead of being pissed off about it.

"Very true there Isabella." He chuckled, closing his eyes and shaking his head, as he tried to not laugh.

"Right...Well to answer your question, it doesn't really matter whose house we go to, we live right next to each other." I remind him and he nods biting his bottom lip.

"Oh, I remember, you gave my mother quite the scare. She was still shell shocked then next morning." He joked.

Was that meant to make me feel sorry for her? Because I didnt. The women was kind of like Edward, very talkative, not the kind of person I like to be around. I guess I was able to cope with him because he wasn't overly emotional, and because I was to tired to actually give a fuck.

"What about you did I scare you?" I asked him, as the school bell rang in the background, and everyone rose from their seats.

I copied them and Edward bent down to pick up his bag, and I rushed to sling my over my shoulder where it was protected. I started to walk and Edward followed along next to me, answering my question as we walked to the door.

"Not scared, more like shocked me. I was just walking over to the new neighbours house, expecting to sit there listen to a couple hours of boring chatter and out you pop glaring at me and telling me to get the fuck out of the way. It was really quite a warm welcoming."He chuckled.

I forced a giggle down and fake snorted.

"Well I am very nice to people."I  lie, I look dead ahead and see Leah leaning against the lockers. Right, she is my escort to gym. She glares at Edward standing next to me, her upper lip curling over her teeth in disgust as he smiled down at me.

"Ill see you tomorrow Edward,"I muttered walking over to her and Edward just had to shout back his reply to me.

"See you tomorrow Isabella, we will continue our discussion then," He waved at me,smiling and walking away. Well...Okay then.

"What the fuck Bella?" Leah said as soon as I turned my attention on her. She did not look impressed with me.

This is why things are so much simple when you are on your own. There are no complications, or worries. But when you have friends, its like you have to step on eggshells to please them. I wasn't one to do things to please others, so I just shrugged and started walking in the direction the the arrows on the wall told me lead to the gym. 

"No Bella, Edward Cullen.  I'm trying to help you fit in at this school, and you go and make friends with Edward fucking Cullen." She spits. She really just started this upon herself, as my anger rose in my blood, and my brain shut of my filter.

"He's not my fucking friend, he is just a guy, and I never asked to fit in, or for your help. I'm here for three fucking months and I think I can survive without you and your fucking goth crew helping me out,"I snapped, storming off, but she just stormed right along beside me a smirk on her face from my words. She almost found it amusing. 

"Were going to be best friends,"She said smiling. "But seriously, no fucking around with the Cullens, the guys would not fucking let it go so easily."she pointed out, and though she took my anger well I was not at all calm.

"If you mean Sam then I dont give a fuck if he likes me or not-"

"No Bella, all of them." She said, and I shrugged so she let out a aggravated sigh. "Just stay away from them."

"Like I said in the lunch hall. That's kind of hard if they're my neighbours, and I'm now Edwards project partner or something." I say throwing my hand up as I couldn't think about what he was talking about. I definitely heard the words, out of call project, and research. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. You must have the worst luck ever." She laughed, and we walked inside the gym and into the locker rooms.

Gym when you're tired and aggravated is not a good combination when I'm involved. I was sure putting my anger out there ,and it was causing the other girls pain because of it. The guys were on the other side of the court, playing their match of basketball, and we were on the other side playing volleyball. 

Half the guys were watching us instead of focusing on their own game. And I was too pissed to care about actually putting in effort. so, when I saw the ball coming towards me, I just punched it sending it flying into someones head.

Apparently it was the head that belonged to a cheerleader called, Jessica Stanley, and according to Leah I didnt have to worry about causing her damage, she had no brain cells left to kill. I didnt bother giving her the time of day, as she shrieked and held her bloodied nose bawling her eyes out.

The game continued on with Stanley's crying as background noise. I just wanted this day over and done with. Thankfully, as me and Leah stood at the back of the right hand side of the court, nobody ever let the ball come in our direction. At least some of them were smart.

After school, me and Leah said our goodbyes as she joined the guys and I walked in embarrassment over to my mums car. Nearly everyone at this school has a driving license or walks. Then theres me being picked up by my mum. just perfect.And to add up to it all, mum was bright and chipper, making my mood even more sour.

"So, how was your first day?" She questions excited for some good news. She should just learn by now that there will never be good news with me.

I gave her a thumbs up and a snarky smile, to which she tried to play off as me joking.

"Oh come on sweetie, I need details not just a thumbs up. Did you make any friends?" she asks hopefully. 

"Oh yeah, I'm besties with the goths, I bet they get high off meth and like to have group orgys around the back of the school."I say calmly and my mother's mouth opens in shock. Okay, that was a lie, I'm sure they didn't do anything extreme.

"Isabella Marie Swan, how dare you we so vile, I brought you up better than that. Why can't you just tell me the truth for once and talk to me like a human being."Mother, sighs. I turn in the chair my face blank, as I looked at the side of her head. She was too focused on driving to look at me, so I smirked a little.

"Why can't you accept the fact that I dont want to talk?" I snap back at her and she sighs, the defeat in her voice making my smile grow wider.

"You will eat dinner then go straight to bed."She instructs me and I give a small sarcastic chuckle.

"I'm way ahead of you mummy."


I'll never let you steal my coffin


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