MORE Spin the Bottle and Pranks, Pranks Everywhere!

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I dare Lilly, Jackson, Flynn, Ealga, Hugh, Jem, Ally and Hiro all to play spin the bottle (Elsa can't know) ~ X_Snowflake_Frost_X

Jem: Please try not to suck each other's faces off.

Jackson: I make no promises. *winks at Lilly*

Lilly: *giggles and blushes*

Hugh: *locks the door* Alright. *puts a bottle in the middle* Who's first?

Hiro: I guess I'll go. *spins: Ally* Sorry Hugh. *about to kiss Ally*

Hugh: Wait! *kisses Ally* That was her first kiss. *blushes* You get her second one.

Hiro: Oh. *kisses Ally* There.

Ally: *spins: Jackson* It's alright. We're cousins. *kisses Jackson*

Jackson: *spins: Lilly* Yay! *kisses Lilly* Wow Lilly. *smirks* Strawberry lipgloss?

Lilly: *blushes* Yeah. *spins: Flynn* Uh, little brother?

Flynn: That's awkward. *kisses Lilly* Ew. *scrunches up his face* I hate strawberry. *wipes his mouth*

Jackson: *grins at Lilly* I love it.

Lilly: *blushes* Stop it!

Flynn: *spins: Ealga* Oh. *fake smiles* Yay! *kisses Ealga*

Ealga: Gross! *wipes her mouth on her sleeve* Yuck! *spins: Jem* Hey best friend. *laughs*

Jem: *laughs* This is weird. *kisses Ealga* My turn. *spins: Hiro*

Flynn: *looks away*

Ealga: *bites her lip*

Jem: *kisses Hiro* Okay, I guess we're done.

Lilly: Good thing our parents didn't-

Jack: Open up! You know you're not supposed to lock this door! *knocks loudly*

Punzie: Yeah! Open up!

Robin: So we can take cute pictures! *squeals*

Hiro: Quick! Hide the bottle! *throws it to Jackson*

Jackson: Don't give it to me! *tosses it to Ealga*

Ealga: Take it! *passes it to Jem*

Jem: Here Flynn! *gives it to Flynn*

Asher: 3! 2! 1! Timber! *kicks down the door*

Flynn: *quickly shoves the bottle down the skirt of his maid outfit*

All: *looks at the 'suspicious' bump in Flynn's pants...hehe...cough cough*

D: *coughs* Uh... O_O

Chen: That's not awkward. O_O

Asher: might want know. *coughs* O_O

Flynn: Oh! O_O Uh...hehe.

Boys: *whistle innocently*

Merida: We know about it ye idiots! *whacks Hiccup on the head*

Flynn: *looks over at Jem*

Jack: *sees Flynn's glance* You know what? The kids shouldn't sleep in the same room anymore. *pulls Jem away*

Kids: WHAT?!

Jack: Yeah, boys, stay here. Girls, just...sleep in a room all the way on the other end of the hall....downstairs.

D: *groans* What?! I won't allow it! *starts arguing with Jack*

Flynn: *hides the bottle* I'm just gonna...take a nap. *goes to sleep*

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