Reading, THE TEST, Why?, KATNISS,

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Hiccup: *changes back into a guy* Aw man!

D: Sorry Hiccs, the Sea Witch's spell only lasted three chapters. *shrugs*

Asher: *runs into the living room* Wheres Tadashi?

Robin: Still asleep.

Hiro: That's weird. Usually he has to wake me up.

Asher: Well, he has approximately THIRTY SECONDS TO GET HIS BUTT UP OR ELSE HE FAILS!

Tadashi: *runs in* What?!

Robin: Tadashi! You look awful!

Tadashi: *has dark circles under his eyes and messy hair*

Asher: What happened to you?

Tadashi: I was up all night listening to Baymax's information on Robin over and over again. *yawns*

All except Asher/Tadashi: Awwwww!

Asher: Yeah, okay well time for your test. What is Robin's full name?

Tadashi: Robin Elizabeth Johnson.

Asher: Age?

Tadashi: 14.

Asher: Favorite color?

Tadashi: Blue?

Asher: Background?

Tadashi: Italian American.

Asher: Favorite animal?

Tadashi: Dogs.

Asher: Blood type?

Robin: How do you know this stuff Asher?!

Asher: That doesn't matter. Blood type?

Tadashi: O positive. *yawns*

Asher: Height?

Tadashi: 5.6ft

Asher: Birth place?

Tadashi: Birth place? I-I don't know that one.

Asher: Well then. You are not fit to be my sister's boyfriend. *stands up*

All: WHAT?!

Robin: B-but...but....

Tadashi: *gets down on his knees* Please! You have to let me! I love her so much and you're just gonna...take her away from me? *gets mad* I won't let you. We'll be together whether you want us to or not.

Asher: *busts out laughing*

All: O_o

D: Uh, Asher? Are you okay?

Asher: No-it's just-he-oh gosh. *keeps laughing*

Robashi: What?

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