Sleepover, Thomas the Train, and Jem and Ealga!

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I dare you all to have a party and a sleepover! Have fun! ~ Frozengirl2014

D: YAAAAAAAAS! *makes phone calls*

Brianne: Who are you calling?

D: Special people. *smiles*

*doorbell rings*

Hiro/Tadashi/Eugene: *opens the door and comes in* Hi!

Baymax: Hello. I am Baymax.

Brianne: Oh mah gersh! BAYMAX?!

Baymax: *scans her* Hello. I am Baymax. Your personal health care companion.

Brianne: *squeals*

Tadashi: *laughs*

Brianne: TADASHI! *hugs him*

Robin: O_O

Brianne: You are so cool! And not dead! *hugs Tadashi*

Tadashi: *laughs* Uh thanks?

D: *whispers to Robin* Don't worry. She won't steal him.

Robin: Oh. Good. *smiles*

Hiro: Uh hi. I'm Hiro. *smiles*

Brianne: *squeals* KAWAII! *hugs Hiro*

Eugene: *chuckles*

Brianne: HI! *waves at Eugene*

Eugene: Hi. *waves back awkwardly*

D: Okay. So, the food is cooking.

Baymax: My sensors have detected a smoke in the air. Diagnosis, something is...burning. *holds up finger*

D: WHAT?! *runs to the kitchen*

Jack: *groans* Hiccup! Why are you using a fire sword to cut the cake?!

Hiccup: Well why are you using the oven? You don't even know how!

Jack: Yes I do!

Hiccup: Lies!

Flynn/Jackson/Hugh: *running around taking bites of things*


All: *gets out*

D: *sighs and goes back into the living room* Well, since they failed we're going to order pizza!


D: *orders pizza* Okay. Now we should play games while we're waiting. Brianne, you're the guest. So you can choose.

All: *sits down in a circle*

Brianne: WAIT. Can I give you guys a dare? *grins*

D: Sure. What's your dare?

Brianne: *smirks* I dare you and Asher to make out.

D: *blushes*

Asher: Come here Sunshine. *grins and kisses D*

D: *smiles and kisses back*

Brianne: Awwwwww.

Robin: *rolls eyes and laughs* I think that's enough guys.

Tadashi: *raises an eyebrow* Guys?

Jack: *punches Asher softly on the arm* Yeah, it might be a while. *sighs*

Jackson: *coughs awkwardly* Maybe we should do something else because we can't just sit here. It's weird.

All: *nods*

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