"Lets head back to the dorms. Class is almost over." He grabbed my hand and we both walked back.


Nathan dropped me off at my dorm and then left. I sat at my computer browsing facebook. I seen that Nathan posted the picture of me from when he spent the night with the caption "So beautiful." About 30 seconds later, I heard a knock on my door. "Hey (Y/N)." Knock. Knock.

"Come in!" I hollered while turning around. "Hey Max! Whats up?"

"I wanted to talk to you." She said a bit worried.


"Well I noticed you weren't in class today and I was worried. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I just didn't feel well." I replied with a total lie.

"Okay. And I seen you spending a lot of time with Nathan."

"Yeah. We are best friends!" I smiled.

"Well be careful with that guy. He's evil."

"I don't think so. He's only ever been darling to me."

"No his whole family are terrible people, especially him."

I didn't want to hear anymore. "Max, thank you but I don't wish go hear anymore. Please take your leave." I pointed to the door.

"Shes pissed, she has the right to be. I barely know her and I'm telling her that her best friend is evil. He shot Chloe though. Maybe I can break it to her more gently." I thought. I raised her hand and time shifted backward once more.

"I wanted to talk to you." I said again.


"You weren't in class today, instead I seen you walking with Nathan."

"Yeah, he was making me feel better." I said As an excuse.

"How did you guys meet?" Max asked.

"Well, it was four years ago, when i was fourteen. I was running down the street with grocerys for my family, during a rainstorm when I bumped into Nathans back. He was under an umbrella and i fell down scraping my knee and dirtying my Sundress. 'Watch where the fuck your go--' he turned around and seen my face and stopped mid sentence. 'I'm sorry, are you okay?' He grabbed my hand picking me up off the ground. 'I dirtied your dress. Please allow me to get you a new one.' He was so kind. Taking me out for dinner, I met his parents and they are snobs but hey, it's expected since they are rich. I slowly grew to be best friends with Nathan. And yeah, that's how we met."

"He seems nice."

"Then why would you tell the principal of the alleged gun charges."

She rewound time again.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." She said once more.

"What is it?"

"Are you okay? You seem off."

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Okay well I just wanted to make sure."

She walked out closing my room but before it shut all the way I said, " Déjà vu." I chucked and she froze through the door.

Later that night, I grabbed my canvis and started painting ignoring everything around me, as minutes turned to hours of aimless painting, I noticed it looked like the scenery from the dream I had. A guy in front of me with a camera, but it was Very blurry. The portrait was in first person, and very sadistic. When I finished examing it, I heard a knock on the door. I frantically put my painting away.

"C-Come in!" I yelled.

It was Victoria. "Hey (Y/N)."


"I wanted to talk to you,"

"Here we go." I thought.

"about the party. She said.

"Carry on." I sat in my computer chair.

"People said that we held a conversation and as you know I was drunk off of my ass. So I wanna know what I said to you, because my who're friends weren't looking out for me."

"You we're just talking about Nathan in a drunken babble."

"Do you remembered what I said?"

"Something about how you two slept together."

"Oh. Yeah, We had a thing but I'm long over it so don't worry."

"Okay Victoria. I won't."

"And he seems pretty engulfed with you so yeah. Thats all." SHE started walking to the door before remembering something. "Oh and Nathan wants us to become aquanted. So what's your number?" After exchanging numbers, she said to text her soon then walked out.

I sat on my computer and started researching Max's power. 'The Butterfly Effect' came up. "The phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. Such as A butterfly wings may not be of big events now but later on it could cause a hurricane." I thought. "So in other words a single occurence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever. I should probably talk to Max about this."

I heard a knock on the door. "Again?!" I thought. "How many people wanna talk to me?!" I shake my head. "Come in!" I yell again. It was Mr. Jefferson this time. "H-Hello." He had his bag with him.

"Hello, (Y/N), You didn't come to class today and I wanted to see if you were okay. I could never let a fellow student feel alone."

"Oh." I looked surprised. "I'm fine." I smiled. "I just needed a day off just to let at it all sink in and accept the situation. Thank you for your concern though."

"Are you sure?" He started to reach in his bag, trying to look calm when Nathan ran in.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HER ROOM!" Nathan yelled.

"I was just checking on her but fine." He walked out slowly and when he turned around I seen a thin sharp object.

"Was that a needle?" I thought. "No it couldn't be."

Nathan Prescott x Reader (Life is Strange)Where stories live. Discover now