Crazy fangirls!?

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(Just a quick note before is start this chapter, As i put in the story earlier in the chapters. Aphmau's door gets busted in. Now in the newest Side stories episode Well.... Go watch it xD Dat is just convenient! cx)

Aphmau's POV

I open my eyes and my vision blurs into one. Theres a noise coming from the kitchen, its hard to hear what it is but i try and listen in.

"What?!.... The baby..."

"Laurance... It doesn't..."

"Whatever...leaving..." I hear footsteps and i shut my eyes.

"Dude! it doesn't matter its not your baby!"

"Well I'm only saying that you should be more careful! I mean half the people who found out didn't even know you two were together!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! you'll wake her!"

"Look i'll come back later. when she's awake."

"Mm. fine." I hear the door open and shut. After a while, I slowly open my eyes again. Garroth is still in the room. i grumble and he turns around.

"Oh. Aph!" He jumps "Have a nice nap?" He walks over to the bed and sit on the corner of it sternly.

"Uh.. yeah thanks." I sit up. "What was thats?"



"Oh um that..." he puts his hand behind his head. "Wait! You were awake!?" He pulls his hand down onto the bed.

"eh...." I look at him indirectly.

"Why didn't you get up!?"

"Because i didn't want to intrupt..." i turn away "It sounded important..."

"Well yeah it was! It was about you!" He grabs my hand.

I look back at him. "Wha- what?"

"Laurance came over because he was concerned about us, about the baby. He thought you were getting too stressed out... its not good for you or the baby!"

"yeah i know that... its not my fault that all this happened on our 'Vacation'!" I laugh.

"Hehe yeah..." I smiles awkwardly. "Heh, i guess news spreads quick about the area"

"Yeah..." I hug him "I think its about time to face the music and go outside..."

"Yeah maybe everyones cooled down about it?"

"Heh probably not, its a baby Garroth! Our baby! Of course their not gonna calm down about it! Remember how excited everyone was about Alexis and Molly?" I laugh.

"Oh yeah..." He helps me out of bed. "Shall we go then?"

"Yeah sure!" he opens the door. i leave with him following shortly afterwards.

We walk down the beach. No ones approached us...yet. Garroth stretches and sighs "Good to get out with no drama!" he laughs.

"Hehe You just wait!" i nudge him

"Ey dont jinx it!" I take his hand and we walk further down the beach and theres a screaming.

"Wha- No not again!" He sighs. A group of girls run towards us.


"Um.. hi?"

"OMG! YOUR A HERO! HAVE MY BABIESSSSSS!" One of the girls screams.

"NO HAVE MINE!" another yells back


"Heh sorry I'm already spoken for..." He says awkwardly and looks at me.

"YOU WHAT?!" one screams horrified. They stare at me angrily.

"Uhh... hi?"

"SHUT UP! MAN STEALERRRR!" she grabs at me, but i step back.

"Woah! Um..."


"OMG YES!" the other one says

"NO HES MINEEEE!" She dives on me and she pushes me to the floor.

"STOP!" Garroth yells and pulls her off me "She's Pregnant!" He holds her away from me, she's still scratching and screaming. she bites him and he drops her. "Ow!" she runs away shrieking. The other girls soon follow her. Im left on the floor. Laurance and Kawaii-chan run over.

"Aph!" Laurance cries. Garroth crouches down and leans over me.

"What! Aphmau-senpai! Garroth-kun! What happen!?" Kawaii-chan squeals in horror.

"Aphmau got attacked by some crazy fangirl..." Garroth answers.

"Oh!" She falls onto her knees in front of me.

"Guys don't worry I'm ok! really!" i wince.

"Garroth! Why didn't you protect her!?" Laurance hisses

"I tried! That girl was fierce!"


"Just no dude..."

"Stop fighting I'm fineee! its only a few cuts and bruises!"

"Is the baby hurt!?"

"No! I don't think so!"

"Ok Ok!"

"TO THE HUT!" Kawaii-chan laughs. the boys pick me up and carry me back to Garroth's hut.

"So much for a calm day!" I laugh, Kawaii-chan and Laurance had just left and its only me and Garroth.

"Heh! I told you not to jinx it!" Garroth laughs with me. "Hey how about we stay in for dinner? I'll cook something quickly for us?"

"Oh sure! Sounds great" Garroth leaves the room into the kitchen and comes back about half a hour later with food.

"Oo! Looks great! What is it?"

"Its um... Food?"

"hehe what?"

"Just eat it!" He hands me the plate. It doesn't look very appetising but i eat it still and its surprisingly nice! I didn't know Garroth could cook!

"That was really good! Thank you!" I smile and get up

"Oh no problem!"

"Where did you learn to cook like that?"

"Oh well i just taught myself..."

"thank you!" He takes my plate and moves to the next room and comes back. i hug him.

"Well imma go to sleep now. Im really tired!" i sigh

"Ok, i'll join you later" He smiles and i get changed and climb into bed. Gahhh! today went nothing how i expected!

-Dat gurl cray cray! xD out of those three girls i would probably be the most sane one xD but i would legit die inside :3 hehe I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry i didn't upload yesterday! I was really busy and tired and i just had a brain fart! (As you do xD) But yeah Sorry! <3

-Lynxie x3

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