A Not So Winter Wonderland (Long)

Start from the beginning


“Merry 1st Christmas?” I ask Niall.

Kissing me on my cheek Niall says, “Max told me how you haven’t had that ‘Big Christmas’ since you were about 6. He also told me that Christmas is also one of your favorite holidays, but that since it was always just you two and you always went to visit his family, that it never felt special. I know this is our first Christmas together, and I know that I can't even begin to compare to what you and your parent’s did when you were little, but I wanted to make this Christmas special and perfect as much as I could.”

Hanging the ornament back on the tree I began to tear up. Turning back to him I kissed him, it was soft and sweet, not to over the top, but it sent a message. “I love all of it. The necklace, the decorations, nobody has ever done this for me before.” Hugging him, I said against his chest, “I love you so much Niall, you truly are perfect.”

Niall smiles and kisses the top of my head, “Anything for you Princess.”


I sat and watched the ending of the Disney parade with Niall, well we listened to it, as I gave him his present which were custom made Jordan’s that were in the design of The Irish flag, and a silver Rolex that Harry told me he'd been eying for. The boys all came over with Nicole and Nick, as we all had drinks and exchanged gifts. It was truly perfect, and I couldn’t have asked for anything else.


It started to push 6 o’clock as the boys got up saying that they had to go get dress for The Winter Wonderland Ball. “Wait I didn’t know you guys were going.” I say as I collect all the eggnog glasses off the table.

“Yeah it’s kind hard not to when everyone else is going to be there.” says Harry.

“Oh.” I say as I walk into the kitchen.

“Niall you didn’t tell her?” ask Louis.

“Tell me what?” I ask.

Just then the doorbell rings and Niall says, “It’s open!” Opening the door walks in 3 women, one who held 2 dresses, another held a bag with make-up, and the last one held a bag with hair supplies. “Um Niall?” I ask.

Niall walks into the middle of the floor as he says, “Princess. Nicole. I’ve hired these 3 lovely ladies to come assist you with getting ready for the ball.”

“Oh shit! 3 fairy god mothers?” jumping up Nicole ran and hugged Niall, “I take back everything I’ve ever said about you. You’re not a jerk, you’re not a douchebag, you aren’t a whore, and you’re not that hopeless jerk that I wish would rot in hell.”

All the guys look at Nicole and says, “What?!”

Nicole turns around and says, “Oh don’t act like you haven’t heard it before. The man was a straight player bitch. I’m not the only one who has wanted to chop his balls off in his sleep.”

“Nicole!” I yell, “Go sit down!”

Smiling Nicole says, “Thank you again, leprechaun.”

Niall laughs shaking his head as the boys stand. “We’re going to leave you two to get dress and will meet you at the dance.”

Nicole nods as she kisses Nick goodbye. Niall walks to me and kisses me, “Meet me under the skylight at 9.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be midnight.”

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