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Not edited

~~Jake's P.O.V

I'm screwed. I mean what was I thinking inviting Jessica to Hawaii. I didn't know her and Viv weren't close but then again she didn't invite her in the first place. First sign that I missed.

But even so I definitely didn't expect Vivian to try and claw her eyes out. And it seems as though Jessica running towards me for protection only made her angry. After she was taken to another room I pulled Jessica to the side.

"What's up with you and Viv?" I ask curiously.

She shakes her head. "I don't know I didn't expect her to go all prey like on me."

I squint my eyes at her. "Right." I walk away from her going to the kitchen to receive a cup of water. I hear someone enter the kitchen as I turn around placing the cup on the counter. Sage appeared in the front way of the door.

"I don't know If I like her." She comments.

"Who?" I ask curiously.

"Jessica. I just don't like her. I feel like she may be withholding some information."

"Well I really don't care what you think, Sage." I argue.

"Jake have you given any thought as to why, Vivian almost attacked her? C'mon I know that your second guessing her too." She exclaims.

She knew me too well.

"Yeah but I can't just assume. What if it was Viv?" I ask knowing that was most unlikely.

She narrows her olive eyes at me.

I sigh in frustration. "I'll ask her."
I say referring to Vivian.

She smiles. "That's sounds like my baby brother. Get to it." She comments.

I quietly knock on Vivian's door. My  hopes that she wouldn't answer came to a halt when a small voice squeaks a "Come in."

I walk in to her dark, room. Where the only light that was evident was the lamp which illuminated her soft features.

"Hey Vivian." My voice echoes.

"What Jake?" She asks rudely.

Taken back i reply; "I was just checking on you."

"Well as you can see I'm fine." She announces with distaste.

I sit on the side of her bed, where her long legs lie. "Viv-"

"Look, I don't need your pity. So if you could please leave me alone. That would be splendid." Her voice comes out shaky. She stands from her bed. Walking slowly to the door. I stand as well.

"What happened with you and her?" I ask.

"What did she tell you?" She asks.

"That she didn't know what was wrong with you."

She turns sharply to me. "And you believed her?"

I'm silent, before speaking. "I didn't know if what she was saying was right. That's why I'm asking you. What happened that night she went to your house?" I ask.

Her eyes began to water. "She told me she had sex with you Jake." She says bluntly.

"She said that you egged her on, that you wanted her. Said I was pathetic. Merely a w^ore and that you would never like my kind. In my own f^cking house Jake."

She breathes shakily. "It's that what you wanted to hear? That I actually got hurt,because of someone like you?"

I am shocked. I knew Vivian liked me. But I never knew of the conversation between, her an Jessica.

"Vivian, I didn't know." I whisper.
She's shaking uncontrollably.

I take her in my arms and hold her. I tilt her chin towards my face and lean. Stealing a kiss from her luscious lips. Our lips move in sync while a ton of goosebumps travel down my arm.
Heat radiates from our locked lips as I urge her body closer to mine.

Her hand plays with my chestnut hair. Tangling her hand in it. I pull away, not because I wanted to but because I needed air.

She's awfully still as she touches her lips in horror.

"Jake! I'm still in a relationship." She states stoically.

She peers at me accusingly. "This means nothing."

I look at her confused. "Did you not feel the connection between us?" I ask.

"Jake your confused. You don't mean what you just did." She whispers.

"But I do." I reply.

A knock becomes apparent to our ears. "Vivian dinners ready. Come eat, will ya?" Danie's voice yells.

"Yeah here i come." She yells back.

She glances at me before quietly exiting the room.

Dinner was long. I constantly stole glances at Vivian. While she bluntly ignored me. The tension was high as the two females were at the same table.

Jessica talked with few, while sitting next to me. I was still hung up on me and Vivian's steamy encounter.

Kaz clears his voice. It echoes through the massive room. Everyone quiets down as he speaks.

"I have a announcement to make." He speaks. I space out. Thinking of all the things I had to make right with Vivian for her to take me back.

I finally come to the conclusion that I needed to drop Jessica. It's the only way, to make ends meet.

I see Kaz bend down in front of Vivian but I don't really think about his actions. At least not until he utters; "Will you do the honor of Marrying Me?"

Then you know all h^ll broke loose.
Cliff hangers gotta love them. Lol
Sorry I know I haven't updated in years. Please forgive me writers block. But hopefully I can start updating every week.

Please tell me how you're feeling.
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Love yall

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