Chapter 15

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I turn to Maddy and say "he's taken, but nice try." And laugh.

I am surprised to see she is talking about Scott.

"I wonder what happened to his eye." She says.

"Yeah, I wonder too." We then walk back to where we were cheering.

I definitely thought about telling Maddy about what happened, but I don't think Scott would want me telling people.

Third and fourth quarter go by quick and we win with a clean sweep. Half of the stands are cheering and a bunch of cheerleaders run into their boyfriends arms who are on the team.

I see that Scott's girlfriend is no where to be found and I walk up to him and say "Great job."

He responds with "You should be saying that to Cameron."

I look over at Cam and look back at Scott "I mean for showing up."

It looks like Scott might be about to say something but then I get pulled away by Liv.

Liv has a huge smile on her face and I say "What?"

And she replies with "It's raining!"

I look at her really confused and I see people behind her looking really excited as well. I say "So?"

She says "The triple B."

I say "The basketball court?"

She shakes my arm and says "All the names on the court washed off from the rain, so at different times the grades meet there and rewrite their names."

"Oh that's so cool. What time do the Juniors get?" I ask.

"I heard we get midnight this time! It's like a huge party at the basketball court!" She answers really excited.

I say "Great I'll meet you there!" And I start to walk away.

Then Liv stops me and says "Wait I forgot to tell you wear your cheer uniform. It's like a thing if the Bulldogs win, us cheerleaders and the basketball players wear our uniforms and jerseys to any party we go to that night."

I nod and say "Okay." And continue walking.

I walk out to the student parking and spot my car and start walking towards it. I then see a couple of basketball players hitting someone and my first thought is "Oh my gosh Scott."

The parking lot is filled with students and no one is even doing anything. I run over and take out my phone.

I see Scott on the ground and he says "Sophia just go."

I couldn't think of one person to call. My mind just goes completely blank. I then think on my feet and start recording what was happening. Then the basketball players look at me and what I was doing.

Cameron of course is one of the meatheads. I say "If your coach saw this you'd get kicked off the team." And I shake my phone in my hand. "Is it worth it?"

Cameron opens his dumb mouth and says "I'd like to see that happen." And walks closer to me.

"Try me!" I answer with attitude.

One of the guys looks at Scott on the ground and says "You're lucky, but she's not always going to be here Foster." And they all walk away.

I put my hand down to Scott to help him up, but he totally ignores it and gets up. While he is getting up I hear him say something under his breath, but I can't really make it out.

He says "You have to stop doing that!" With some anger in his voice.

I say "Doing what? Helping you?"

"No, being my babysitter. I'm fine just leave me alone." He responds looking down.

"Oh I get it since I'm a girl it's embarrassing huh?" I reply.

He looks away.

"Okay so the next time I see this happening I'm just going to walk away. Would that make you happy?" I questioned. I turn and walk away.

He runs up to my side and grabs my hand and says "I'm really sorry for going off on you I'm just really mad right now and I'm taking it all out on you."

When he grabs my hand it is different than when Cam grabs it. Cam puts a weird spell on me.

"It's fine I totally get it." I say while getting my hand back and putting some distance between us.

He keeps getting closer to me and I find it very weird.

So I say "So who's your girlfriend? Do I know her?"

"Ex girlfriend." He responds.

"Really what happened?" I ask with a concerned face.

"She found out what happened and just ended it." He answers.

"That's a stupid reason." I say.

He says "Well she said Britney kept bothering her and said it was all my fault."

I look surprised and say "Well she doesn't sound like a good girlfriend anyway."

"Yeah. She wanted me to quit the team." He says.

"It sounds like this relationship was going to end eventually." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Probably" he replies. When we get to my car.

I go to open my car door when Scott says "So can I have your number?" While handing me his phone.

I look down at the phone and hand it back to him and say "Sorry I have a boyfriend." While opening my car door. Making fun of the time he said almost the same thing to me.

He smirks and says "I wasn't proposing."

I giggle and say "Well in that case..." I grab his phone and put my number in. I give him his phone back and get in my car when I hear my phone ringing.

I answer and say "hello." Giggling because I can see Scott on the phone right outside my car.

He says "Just making sure."

I start laughing and say "Wow got some fake numbers huh?" And hung up. I turn the key in my car and start backing up.


Authors note- thoughts on Scott and Cameron?

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