We made it to the hospital in 10 minutes. I saw that Nathan was still crying. It wasn't like actual crying, just tears were coming out of his eyes. Max was the first one out of the van. He got Mary and Dexter in their chairs, in record time. Tom and Kelsey pushed the two of them into the hospital. Max and Nathan ran inside. When we all got there, we were told to wait for her to come out of surgery.

"What did you tell her?" Jay asked as we sat in the waiting room. Nathan looked at him and chuckled.

"I told her that I love her. She feels the same and it might be over." He said. Siva patted his back.

"It is not over. She is going to make it through this." He said. Then two people walked in the waiting room. It was an older couple. They walked over to Max and he gave them a hug.

"This is Macey's parents." He told us.

"Is there any news on her?" Her father asked. We all shook out heads.

"Oh, God." Her mother clung onto her husband. He held her. This was heartbreaking. I looked at Nathan and he had his head bowed. He was praying. then the doctor entered the room.

"Hello, are you all here for Macey?" He asked. We all nodded.

"Macey has hit a bump. This might actually effect her getting well. This almost killed her. There is room for recovery, but I would make arrangements, because there is a large percentage of her not making it. I am sorry. You may go see her. She is awake." He said. He then left the room. Nathan got up and walked to her room. I followed him. He knelt at her side when he saw her.

"Macey, please look at me." He pleaded with her. She turned her head and looked at him. She looked worse.

"Nathan, I really do love you, but once I am gone, please don't cry." She told him. He started to sob.

"Macey, you aren't going to leave me." He told her. I decided that the two of them needed privacy. I walked out of the room and stopped the others from going into the room. I told them all that Nathan and her were having a really important conversation. They agreed to go back.

"Cara, what were they talking about?" Macey's mother asked me.

"Macey was trying to tell Nathan good bye. He didn't want to hear that. I am sorry that I can't tell you more." I told her. She then started to cry. We went back to the waiting room. We all let Macey's parents sit down, first. Then we took our seats.

"Do you think that this is it for her?" Max asked me. I looked at him and grabbed his hand.

"No, I really don't think so. I really think that she is going to make it through this." I told him. He shook his head and looked at her parents. I knew that he was thinking about what they were going through.

"You guys can go see Macey." Nathan said as he walked in the room. I looked up to see that he had been crying. Macey's parents got up and walked to her room. Jay and I got up to take care of Nathan. Jay grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

"Nath, everything will be okay." Jay told him. The two of them sat down on a couch.

"Jay, I don't think that anything is going to be okay. She just had surgery. The doctors are trying to be as optimistic as possible, but she knows that this might be it for her." He told us. I pulled his face so that he looked at me.

"Nathan we have to be strong for her. I know that she is terrified. She is scared of what is going on." I told him. He nodded his head. I returned to Max. He and I held hands.

We sat in the waiting room, all night. We all took turns to go and see her. Macey told us all that she really appreciated what we had done for her. Nathan ended up falling asleep by her side. He had been holding her hand and he had the upper half of his body on the bed. She sat there and played with his hair. I slept on the floor, curled up next to Max.

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