Only You: Chapter 16

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I sit on top of Taehyung as he lies flat on the furniture. I squeeze his waist between my legs so he won't be able to escape and then I attacked him with tickles making him laugh maniacally. He tried to push me away but he didn't have the strength to do it.

"Yah.. Jimin.. stop.." he screams as he attempts to hold both of my arms to stop me. "I think I'm about to pee.. seriously stop!" he squeals and pleaded but I didn't listen to him. I keep tickling him, making him laugh hard that tears starts to run down from his eyes.

"Had enough? Had enough?" I say laughing. I can see that Jungkook is enjoying this and I can feel somehow that he wants to join in.

I automatically stopped when I heard my phone buzzed from the kitchen. It's amazing how I heard it all the way from the living room. I turned my head and jump off of Taehyung. I run off leaving him curled up as he breathes pantingly, exhausted from laughing.

I checked the message and it was from Hee Yeon. Her meet up with her friend must have ended already. I smiled as I catch my breath.

[HYNoona] Jimin? Do you have something to do?

[Chimchim] Nothing, I guess. Why? 😊

[HYNoona] Do you want to meet with me?

After I read her message I immediately felt that something is wrong because she won't ask me to meet with her this late when there's nothing wrong. I crooked my eyebrows with a suspicion that this might have something to do with her meet up awhile ago.

[Chimchim] Why? Did something happened? 😧

[HYNoona] Nothing. I just want to meet up with you that's all. So, do you want to?

[Chimchim] Oh sure. Where will we meet? 😶

[HYNoona] At my house. I'll give you my address.

I gulped after she sent me her address. My heart beats fast as the thought of finally going to her house comes to mind. It is just a few blocks away from the coffee place where we usually meet.

I immediately got dressed and put my coat on. Before I head outside, I suddenly remember the dish that I'm suppose to give to her. So, I ran to the kitchen, place it on a plastic container and into a paper bag.

There's a feeling that keeps bugging me that something isn't right, that something really happened and I need to find out about it. I rushed hurriedly through the door but a voice stopped me.

"Where are you going hyung?" Jungkook asks as he sits on the floor in front of the television watching an anime with Taehyung.

"Yeah, where are you going? The hyungs will be here any minute and they'll be asking us where have you gone off to," Tae says with his legs crossed as he sits on the sofa.

"Just tell them I went to a friend and this is an urgent matter," I say continuously while I reach for the doorknob and rushed outside.

"Well, don't forget to bring us something to eat when you come back!" Tae shouts.

Hee Yeon's POV

I walk back and forth through the corridor thinking this isn't a good idea but I have no choice. I don't want to be alone and I have no one else to contact to. I just need someone to accompany me to prevent me from doing anything that I might regret or just someone who can divert my attention to something else or just someone who can make me happy. And I have a feeling that it's him.

I head towards the door as soon as I heard my doorbell rang. I fixed my hair and opened it. My heart pounds as I saw Jimin standing outside, dressed casually, holding a paper bag on his hand smiling. Seeing him is enough for me to forget about what happened, I thought.

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