Chapter 1: "Anything to help a freak out!"

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The sun was setting, and the wind blew cold. I was running late, but I wasn't going to give up. Not yet.

The sunset reflected on the pavement in that way light does in the moments just before the world turns blue.

The lights were off and no one was there.

"Damn it...." I was too late.

But perhaps not....

Up ahead I could see a man with a suitcase and fingernails long enough that despite the distance I could see them clearly.

If I was right, that was Creature. A member of the Freakshow, known for being one of the most modified men in the world, and because of that, someone who could help me.

Without a second thought, I was chasing him down.

"Hey!" I called. "Wait up a sec!" I could hear a low hiss beside me in the basket that I had slung over my shoulder.

Up ahead, the man with the suitcase turned and looked at me, confirming without a doubt that it was who I thought.

Once I caught up to him, I took a moment to catch my breath, while the snake continued hissing.

"I don't suppose... "I look up at him, "that anyone from the Freakshow is still in right now?"

He shakes his head, "sorry, you just missed em, but is there anything I can help with?"

It takes a moment to understand, the piercings make his speech a little lispy, but I can tell he tries extra hard to speak as clear as he can, and I'm glad.

"I wanted to know if you guys had room for a new snake lady, actually.... I know there have been some issues with the current one, so I wanted to see if I could give it a go?" The more I talk the more unsure of myself I get. One wrong move and I'll be in a bad light and I'll never be one of them.

"You don't look like a snake lady, at least, not the same kind as what we have."

It's true, their current snake lady is beautiful. Unlike me, she is the kind of girl some guys dream about. But she relies on that in her act. I don't.

I nod, smiling a little. "I'm a bit different, yea... And I'm hoping that's what will help me join the family."

I can see him thinking about it, clearly hesitant to say yes or no, I assume because he doesn't want to get my hopes too high or shoot them down like ducks.

"Just... when will everyone be in again? I wanna show you all what I do, let you decide then."

He smiles, understanding. "We'll be in tomorrow all day, as far as I know. That'd be a good time for you to come and show us your stuff."

Giddiness threatens to explode inside me, and I'm sure he can see it in my smile, because he laughs at me a little. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, girl! Anything to help a freak out!" He says, as he turns and walks away, pulling the suitcase behind him.

Feeling brave, I speak again.

"Hey Creature?"

He looks back at me again, curious and still smiling.

"You stuck in a hotel again?" It happened to him sometimes, and getting into a new apartment was always hard for him because of how he looks.

He nods, giving me an odd look. "How'd you know that?"

"The suitcase. I used to watch you guys's tv show. "

It clicks in his mind then that that's also how I recognized him. "Yea, I got kicked out again..." I can hear the sadness in his voice, even if he's still trying to seem strong.

"I own a place not too far from here. It's way too big for just me, and I hate being alone. I've had ads out and everything, looking for someone to room with me there, but no one likes the catch, which is that I'm on the freaky side of things. If you're up for it though, there's plenty of room?" I offer.

He thinks about it a moment, and then nods, laughing. "Alright, I'll take you up on that." He comes closer, allowing me a closer look as he grabs my hand and pulls me into a half hug.

"Anything to help a freak out." I say as I hug him back.

And with that, we make our way back to what is now home for both of us. And finally, I have a friend of my own species.

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now