Oh! Then there's Summer Rae. I met her on Tuesday. She was...I don't trust her. She was snobbish and a little rude if you ask me,and every time I said something she rolled her eyes a little or scoffed. I don't know,I just don't get a good vibe from her. She seems sneaky so I'll definitely watch my back when I'm around her. Her and Dean are the only two that seem a bit mean,but hey who am I to judge? I don't know their life stories.

Somehow after a while of walking, I found myself in catering again. Catering is definitely my favorite place to hang out. There's food (obviously) so it automatically is the best place in this entire arena.

I grab myself a large plate of nachos and a bottled water before sitting down at a table near the corner. Not many people are in here right now. Randy orton,John cena and Dolph Ziggler all all sat at one table and Paige,Alicia,and Rosa are sat at another one,but aside from them and me no one is in here.

It's peaceful. The only sound in the room is the air conditioner's sound and the quiet mumbles of the superstars and divas. I grin to myself and look down at my table. I am in the same room with some of my favorite people ever it's just so surreal.


I turn around and see Dean standing there. He walks around me and sits on the opposite side of the table,kicking his feet up. I smile at him before biting into my nacho.

"Nachos and cheese huh?" He asks. I nod,my smile getting bigger. "Do you really think you should be eating that?" He raises a brow and smirks.

I look down at my crop top clad stomach and shrug. "Well I've always been naturally skinny. I didn't hit 100 pounds until I was around 15. I think I'm 115 now which is the biggest I've ever been. Actually I've been trying to get a bit more weight on,but no matter what I eat I can't." I sigh.

"Yeah you have no curves at all. You're like a skinny little pole. Just so unattractive." He shakes his head.

"Well actually,maybe I shouldn't be telling you this but-" I look around a bit before balling my fists and dancing in my seat excitedly. "I've grown two full cup sizes in the last year!" I squeal. "And I know that we've just met and I shouldn't be telling you that but hey I'm happy about it. I still have average looking breasts but...ya know." I shrug.

"So ugh." He clears his throat. "You seem like a basic bitch." He smiles. "Let me guess,you're dating a guy named brad and you have two kids on the way. Um ones name is Kevin and the other is brad jr?" He chuckles.

"Ew no." I giggle. "I'd never name my kid Jr. I don't know it just seems lazy. Who knows how many kids I'll have, ya Know? I don't wanna name it something easy like Jr! Unless it's father's name is a good name I suppose. I actually love your name! Dean is such a cool, somehow unique name." I smile.

His name fits him perfectly. Sounds like a biker guy though. Either way I love it.

"Well how much am I gonna have to pay you to make you scream it in bed?" He asks smugly.

"I already told you I'm not a prostitute. I know it's not my business,but I don't really think you should be looking for a prostitute to have sex with. I'm not saying that they're all diseased and I'm definitely not judging but I just think it's unsafe."

// Dean//

I'm starting to get frustrated. I'm throwing insults at her left and right and she doesn't seem fazed at all. She's not even pretending to be unbothered she really is unbothered! She's not shifting nervously,nothing changes in her eyes when I insult her,she's not clenching her teeth or breathing unevenly. She's not tapping her fingers she's not biting her lip,she's not doing anything that people do when they're annoyed.

I'm getting absolutely no where with this and it's pissing me off! How can she sit here and get insulted by someone she barely knows and not be pissed? It makes my blood boil to even think about if I was in her position. If I were her I would've jumped over this table five insults ago.

I don't even know why the hell i'm doing this. I've been a douche bag all my life and in recent years I've been even worse,but never have I ever just wanted to bring someone down. I don't know I guess I'm just used to people cussing me out and getting angry at me. When they do that,it shows me that they're all the same. They all work the same way they're all basic,there's nothing different about any of them at all,nothing special. And I like that.

Last time I thought someone was special I fell in love with her. That didn't turn out so great for me so I take comfort in thinking that everyone is the same. I'm not even sure that makes any sense. Whatever.

I also enjoy when people insult me. Everyone seems to think that I am a no good dirt bag who doesn't deserve anything good in life. I've come to terms with that. I used to hate thinking that that's how people saw me but eventually I got used to it. I finally understood that I'm no good and useless. I kind of get upset when people DON'T insult me. So I suppose that's why I have a problem with Sadie. She can't just come in here and be nice to me and ignore my insults and be...special.

The last thing I need is to have someone special come into my life and get ripped from it once again. So I HAVE to get her to insult me. Or I'm gonna lose my god damn mind.

"So um..." I sigh. I'm kind of having trouble coming up with insults. She's beautiful in all honesty. And really nice which I hate but I also like it. This is pathetic. I've known this bitch for a week and already I like her more then I like most people. This has gotta stop now.

"You seem like a smart ass. You go to college?" I grunt out. "Oh yeah but it was an online college." She shrugs,smiling a little. I wish she'd stop that. Her smile is cute. I don't like it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I snap. "I've been sitting here,Insulting you nonstop and you're not even reacting. What,Are you some kind of robot or some shit? Jesus woman-" I sigh and slump down in my chair.

"Dean...Why do you want me to react so badly?" She asks.

I narrow my eyes at her. She looks like she's trying to figure me out and I cannot have that. I huff and stand up abruptly. I walk towards her side of the table and lean down next to her ear,Giving it a small kiss.

"I'm not leaving you alone until I piss you off. One of these days you're gonna drop this nice girl act. One way or another." I whisper before walking away.


"I'm usually great at insulting people,If I wasn't a wrestler then insulting people would be my career! But I can't come up with anything but second grade insults. I usually just make myself sound stupid,and it's just-I'm so mad. She doesn't even react she's just perfectly calm about everything and I wanna-I wanna ring her neck!" I yell.

Roman sighs and rolls his eyes at me before sitting on the couch across from me. "Dean, You're gonna be pissed at me for saying this,But I think you li-"

"Do not finish that sentence. I don't. I swear I don't. You of all people know that I vowed not to like another bitch after what happened with Renee. It's just not gonna happen,I don't have time for it." I growl.

"Whatever you say. But,Seriously. I can already see how you look at her. You obviously have some type of feelings for her and that's not a bad thing. You really have to get over what happened with Renee man,And I say that because I love you and I want to see you happy again. That'll never happen if you continue to go on like this." He mutters.

I sigh and rub my face with my hands. "She's been here for two weeks and she's already getting to close." I shake my head. This can't happen,And it won't happen. She's gonna stay at arms length along with all the other people in this company.

She. Is. Not. Special.

You get too close (Dean)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora