"Yea but I have been practicing I wanna make my time 2min and 30 seconds." I say determined.

"You got this babe, ready." Stiles says, I nod. "Go." The fist dummy comes up and I shoot it in the head, one comes from the ground, I Do a back flip and shoot while landing on my feet, Yea gymnastics really came in handy..this time I was moving faste and shooting more then one at a time, when I finish I turn and look at stiles, panting.

"Babe... you got your time but you got 2minutes and 20 seconds." Stiles smiles.

"Oh my god yes." I yell cheering.

"Shay you got really good, like amazing actually." My aunt says.

"Yea that was really good." Someone says I turn to see a dirty blond haired women, wearing all black, what the hell who is she, is she Derek's girlfriend or something same mean mug look .

"Oh in thank you." I say.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Kate, Kate argent." She says.

"Oh aren't related to Allison, Yea she told me her aunt came to town.." I say smiling and walking up to shake her hand.

"Oh you know Allison how?" She asked shaking mine.

"Oh I'm Shayla Matthews I met her on her first day and we became really close friends." I say smiling.

"Oh your the infamous Shayla, Allison has told me a lot about you, smart pretty amazing grades, but not that you can do this."

"Oh Yea I kinda just told Allison about this." I say.

"Well I hope to see you again soon, but good job you have a real talent." She says and walks away.

"Well that was weird she popped up out of No where." My aunt says.

"Yea she did." Stiles mutters.

"Well let's go shoot some targets Yea?" I ask as they nod and we make out way back to our spot. I pull out the extra two bows and hand one to my aunt then stiles.

"I haven't help on of these sense together were little, are the bows in the back?" My aunt ask I nod.

"Will you grab stiles a couple?" I ask. She nods and goes in the back.

"Okay babe are you ready to try this?" I ask stiles.

"Shay I think I can shoot a bow and arrow hand me the arrow please." Stiles says confidently.

"Okay here you go." My aunt says handing him one.

"Okay let's go to our targets." I say moving to the middle target. "Okay ready set go!" I say and we shoot, we shot three arrows I made the center all three times aunt got it once and her other two close to the middle and stiles, Well one went past, on is in front of him and his last one Well I have No clue where it went.

"I was practicing." Stiles says sheepishly. I roll my eyes.

"Here let me help." I say standing next to him.

"Okay get in the stance your getting to shoot the arrow." He stands in the stance, "Okay now when you pull back you need to focus, Okay think about something that makes you happy, makes you calm." I say and he nods and let's out a breath.

"Okay I think I got it." He says.

"Stiles dont focus on the determination to get it in the middle, focus on being calm steady, and and things that make you happy, and who you want to protect, and don't stand so tense Okay. " I say adjusting his hands and how stiff he was, he nods.

"Okay shoot, but take your time." I say he nods and with a couple seconds let's go and makes the target like right in the middle.

"Hey! I did it! Shay look I did it!" Stiles yells.

protect me (stiles stilinski) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now