Nearly Fatal

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Recently I went on vacation in New England.

I was riding a four wheeler through this super long trail. It wasn't my first visit so I'd driven that trail about fifty times. I know it by heart.

I enjoy going at high speeds, iver thirty five mph feeling the wind whipping my face and my eyes watering.

I drove with my mother behind me multiple times and she hardly let me o over five mph. I would tell her it's fine and that I've done it a hundred times.

Whenever I went to ride one, the adults would tell me to watch my speed. I disregarded their warnings as even laughed at my brother for driving like a grandpa.

But, The Lord is always watching and he finds ways to tell us we are wrong.

I was speeding downhill and there's this one tree. I turned off the road and decided to go around be tree.

The funny thing is, I slowed down, but not enough. The wheel turned wrong on a patch of dirt and the four wheeler jerked. I was thrown off of it and rolled down a small hill while the four wheeler flipped on to its side.

It was so close to falling on top of me.

I twisted my ankle and couldn't walk on it for two days. My body is still so sore I can barely lay down to go to sleep.

My body is scratched up and I can barely move without wincing. But I don't mind the pain. The pain means I'm still living.

God protected me from what could have been a terrible accident. I could have crashed into the tree or broke my neck. So many things could have happened but they didn't.

I'm in pain but I'm alive. And I thank he lord profusely for that.

There have been 10,281 deaths reported from four wheeler accidents from 1982 to 2009.

He showed me that I shoul have taken caution and heeded my parents words because I'm not always as right as I think I am.

Those of you like me who always think their right and do what they want-most teenagers-think about what oh just read because it could happen to you.

Not necessarily with a four wheeler of course.

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