ATTENTION! NON IMPORTANT NOTE-not important enough to be in caps

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Hey readers, this isn't a chapter, sorry... D:

To explain my disappearance off the face of the wattpad-earth. I got forced into a holiday... with my family!! I haven't been on a trip with family members since I was 7 (lots with friends though).

It was kind of wild, I mean I hugged freaking Mickey Mouse! Don't tell Minnie... or Donald, something shifty about Mickey and Donalds' relationship. Just friends? I think not.

Me and my little sister came back malnourished, who knew eating Frosties (breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week) wasn't part of a balanced diet? Sneaky little tiger lied to me, not Grrreat.

To summarise, my mom stole my laptop from my suitcase, and locked it in the safe at the bar -now I know where I get my sneakiness from, I alway thought it was from my Grandma...

I was without internet for a whole week, you know the shots they give you when going abroad? They should have given me a anti-internet jab; to prevent seizures when exposed to sudden drop in internet usage... Can't believe mom made me go cold turkey.

Anyway, I'll upload soon. By the way this message will also be on other stories

-Call Me Crazy, But I love you 

-My Heart Is Spoken For.

Below is information on my other stories, why am I putting on this story? You may ask. The answer. Because I can! *wink* Don't make me president, cause I'd make you all wear clogs-the shoes- 24/7. Why? Cause I can. Power corrupts the weak minded- *sigh*...

Peace and love everone!! I'll upload real soon, I miss writing <3


Call Me Crazy, But I Love You

Naive little Carlie -like every other girl in her year- fell in love with Ryan. He betrayed her with a prank, left her to take the blame and get sent to a mental Institute for two years. Now she's getting realised, harsher and wiser than ever. With this major personality change, will Carlie find it hard to adjust to normal life? Will people fear her? Is it possible for her to find love after her broken heart? Or is she just insane?...At this point is insane a good thing?


My Heart Is Spoken For

Kara(16), after losing her family, finds herself homeless. But the Clarkes', a rich family, adopts her. Though the reason isn't love, but for her to care for their sick child, Bell. She has Congenital heart defects. Her condition is severe, and Bell is waiting for a heart. Despite her better judgement, Kara loves Bell like a little sister. And she promised herself that she will, if Bell can't get a heart in time, donate her own. To Bells parents' delight. They consented to her donor card, as Kara is nothing to them.

But when the 'Badboy' falls in love with her, and see's her for more than Bells' heart. Kara begins to love this guy back, and as Bells' condition worsens, the date of her death creeps closer.

How can Kara return his heart with her own, when it's been promised to someone else?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2011 ⏰

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