Chapter Fifty- Stupid Cupid

Start from the beginning

"Not even your brother?" Tammy nods at Tim, who is being carried up from the garden towards the growing group by Cassie, his new girlfriend.

Finch rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, "life is short thing," I know." She mutters resentfully, crossing her arms tighter.

Olivia beams at Wonder Girl. "Hi Cassie!"

aside carefully sets Tim down on the ground and flies over to Olivia, scooping her up in a big hug. "Hi Livvie!"

"Does EVERYONE know that Cassie likes me before I do!?" Tim spreads his arms wide for emphasis.

"You've liked her since-"

"That is classified in formation!" Tim quickly puts a finger over Olivia's lips as she sits up in Cassie's arms.

"Tim..." Cassie gives her shy boyfriend a sly look, knowing he's been cornered.

Tim blushes, and talks really fast, rubbing the back of his neck as he speaks. "You're strong, and powerful, and brave, and energetic and beautiful and you're really determined and I first realized that I liked you when you were assigned to Alpha squad for the Krolotean mission at the beginning of the year."

"What's going on here?" Garfield enters from the side doorway flanked by Virgil and Terra. Mara glares at them all.

"Hi, Virgil," Tammy squeals, quickly hiding her blush under an elaborate tiki mask she quickly made out of the water she was practicing with..

"Am I the only one around here who hasn't fallen for this Stupid Cupid!?" Mara yells at her friends, disbelieving they would be so foolish. Especially Rachel, she's only thirteen!

"But Finch, you-"

Finch interrupts Olivia again. "S-I-N-G-L-E. Besides, even if I did like someone, which I do not, Batman won't let me date."

Olivia pouted while Mara smirked, satisfied she had won.

"You got out of this one, Mara. But be warned, you'll be caught soon enough." Rachel cautions, barely peeking over the rim of the book she is no longer reading.

"Well..." Mara thinks for a moment, wondering who they know who is no longer in love with anyone else.

"M'gann threw off Cupid! She broke up with La'gaan, remember?" Her smirk returns, though a little less confident now.

"She's trying to comfort Connor now. They just had a nice long chat." Olivia shakes her head, gathering brown and green bricks to build Mount Justice. 

"'Fraid you're a little too late on that account, Finch." Garfield grins, taking a seat next to Terra.

Rachel gasps happily. "YES!! SUPERMARTIAN FOREVER!" She screams at the top of her lungs.

Everyone looks at her.

"...Did I say that too loud?" Rachel asks, reconsidering her outburst.

Everyone nods. ".4 decibels too loud." Olivia get technical.

Tim elbows his little sister playfully. "Looks like you and Lagoon Boy can be single together, Mar."

"EWWW!" All the girls and a few of the boys recoil in horror.

"No," Olivia is staring off into space again. "L'agann just asked out some girl in Atlantis."

"Phew! Really dodged a bullet there!" Finch wipes the sweat from her forehead.

"How do you know all this stuff?" Virgil asks Olivia, leaning down over the five-year-old.

Everyone looks at Olivia.

Olivia looks up into Virgil's eyes. "I see stuff." She says it so seriously it's almost like a joke.

Without any further explanation, Olivia went back to her LEGOs. Everyone looked at each other, searching for an answer.

"She's clairvoyant" Rachel explains, hoping she can go back to reading her book in peace now.

"Claire who now?" Bart zooms over to Rachel and looks at the book over her shoulder. "I thought her name was Olivia."

"It's like a superpower, genius" she smacks his head with her book, and turns back to her brother. "Now, Gar, when were you gonna tell me about you and Terra?"


"Recognize; Batman, 02."

"Good afternoon, Master Bruce."

It's the every day greeting, you can count on it like the rising of the sun, the change of the tides, but today, Bruce receives none of that.

He takes off his cowl, and changes into civilian clothes before heading out of the Bat-cave.

He finds the old butler pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Alfred what's wrong?"

Alfred stops pacing and faces his young master. "It is more than likely nothing, Master Bruce, but-"

"It's never "nothing," Alfred." Bruce reminds him. "What is it?"

"Miss Emma is gone. She came home a few hours ago and said she needed rest. I have not heard from her since. Her room is empty, and she may have gone for a flight."

Bruce whips out his cell phone and dials his eldest daughter. He trusts her to take care of herself, but everyone is a bit shaken up ever since the Reach's Endgame.

"Hi, this is Emma. I can't come to the phone right now, but please leave a message after the tone."

He hits "End" without leaving a message, and pulls out his Bat-Comm. Each of his adopted children, even Rick and Barbra, have a tracker in them. Yeah, it sounds creepy, but it comes in handy on occasion. Like when Jason went after The Joker on his own.

A red rectangle flashes across the screen.

"Not Found."

"It's not picking up her signal now, but her last location was over Gotham Harbor. I'll check it out in the Bat-sub."

Bruce runs back to the cave and changed into his suit. The sub's engines shoot him out of the cave at speeds close to that of the late Kid Flash's. He reaches Gotham Harbor in no time at all, and immediately begins to scan for clues.

"Find anything, sir?" Alfred asks over the comm.

"Some unusual streaks on some rock formations near the narrow Harbor exit." Batman heads in for a closer look.

The dark black streaks are definitely not natural, and the arms from the front of the sub scrape off a sample for analysis.

It's a special metal, vibranium, extremely expensive and extremely rare, found in only one place in the entire world: Africa.

And bought in extensive amounts by a certain underwater villain to armour his submarines.

A villain named Black Manta

Sorry, yeah, vibranium is copyrighted by Marvel but I'm too lazy to make up my own metal. :P

Okay guys, this week's question is about ships! Which OC ship do you like the most? (Not Aquafire or SuperNova, since I know you guys like(d) both of those a lot)

BlueBrass- Blue Beetle/Jaime x Brass Beetle/Sarah

Speedy- Arsenal/Roy x Blur/Bridget

Beastpulse- Impulse/Kid Flash/Bart x Beast Girl/Rachel (Really need a better ship name for that one XD)


WaterShock (Or as I prefer to call it) AQUAFIRE 2.0!!- Static/Virgil x Waterfall/Tammy

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