Chapter 9

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Okay so the last time I updated my story you finally saw how kind and selfless Rory can be. Now you'll find about the reason why she is the way she is, although most people would find the way she is acting incredible and act the same way back to her. Actually, probably all the people i know would find that being kind and selfless is like the most awesomest thing in the whole entire world. 

Anyways............ I would again like to thank all my readers, voters, and commentators. ALL your support makes me think that I am a really good writer (though I'm pretty sure that I have some major grammatical errors when I write sometimes)!

Any questions leave in the comments or inbox me about it, and I will answer them for you the best I can! Now, let's get this show on the road!


Last time on T.O.R.:

"It just comes to me and I'm so used to defending myself from way back." I said not realizing that I gave a bit too much away.


"What do you mean?" Tommy had asked me with curiosity coursing through his chocolate brown eyes.

"I was...... um.... bullied as a child. And with what happened a few years back? I am so used to nobody defending, nobody but myself." I said my demeanor instantly darkening.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring anything bad up." Tommy said sheepishly apologizing to me.

"It's fine. I just don't have very good memories of the past , only about a few good time with friends." I said after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Not everybody does." Tommy said shrugging as we began getting closer to my car. "So..... uh do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Oh, so now we're doing small talk." I said raising my eyebrow at him again before chuckling  and actually answering his question. "But yes, I do have siblings. Three brothers, to be exact. Well two- I don't quite count the oldest. He's not a very good person." ((A.N.: This is actually very true, I grew up with guys around me because of family.))

"Wow, growing up with guys. That must of been a nightmare  for you." Tommy said chuckling at me making me look at him funny.

"Shut up! It was not a bad thing. I got spoiled like crazy and was to busy being a kid to care." I said getting some laughs outta my system.

"I bet." Tommy said smiling slightly. "So where exactly is your car?"

"Right there." I said pointing to my 1968 chevelle that my rebuilt with some help from me.

"Wow, nice car." Tommy said to me as he stared at my baby in awe. "Where did you get her?"

"This baby was my dads. He had to rebuild it because  he totaled it before I was born. I helped him with rebuilding it a bit, but I was always an inside child."I said smiling to myself slightly as I stood beside my car.

"I find that hard to believe." Tommy said quietly probably not meaning for me to hear, even though I did.

"What do you mean? Why don't you believe me?" I asked innocently acting like he had hurt my feelings.

"I only meant that..... um...." Tommy said out of words, embarrassed that I had heard what he said.

"Tommy?" I asked tilting my head in question.

"Yeah?" Tommy answered clearing his throat awkwardly.

"What did you mean? Is it because I'm tan?" I asked cheekily raising my eyebrow at him.

"Uh..... Yeah!" Tommy said like he just thought of something extremely brilliant.

"You do know that I have had time to work on my tan, right?" I said smiling at Tommy. "Thank you, Tommy."

"For what?" Tommy asked me all confused like.

"For being nice. For helping me walk out of my classroom when my knee was located. For staying with me when the paramedic was being stupid. Thank you for all that and probably more that might happen in the future." I said before I began opening my car door.

"It's no problem. It's just the  right thing to do." Tommy said smiling at me while scratching the back of his neck. 

"I don't know of anybody else who would be nice to me when they haven't even met me before." I said leaning on my car door smiling.

"Well, maybe you just haven't met the right people so far." Tommy said wisely.

"Like I said thank you anyways, Tommy." I said chuckling getting in my car. "I got to go. Got to make sure my cat hasn't gone crazy. Or that my dog hasn't eaten her. It was nice to meet you. Bye Tommy!"

"Bye Rory!" Tommy said right before I did my infamous two finger salute twirling my two fingers around afterwords.


So here is the 9th chapter. I hoped you liked it! Well if you had read this all the way, then I am assuming that you have liked. School is starting back up so I probably won't be updating as I normally do, even though I know I have really slow updates.

But anyways.......... COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you all, my little rangers!!!!!!!!

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