Chapter 11 TEASER!!!

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"Aunt Em! Run!" Zoey and Joel yelled running from a robot dinosaur.

"Go get help!" I yelled at them ushering them out if the house stopping the robot things before they could get out and attack my niece and nephew.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" I asked firmly staring at all of them in pure anger. "You mess with my family, you won't live to see another day!"

Apparently my anger issues wanted to show up and make a big shot entrance. Blocking a punch one of the robot dinosaurs sent my way, I began fighting for my life. Hearing my door bust open as I took down another one of the robot dinosaurs, I whipped my head towards the door to some of my old friends.

"Wow, Theo. Can't stay out of trouble if your life depended on it, huh?" Lyella said right before jumping into action along with the others.

They were all here. All of them here to help. There was Lyella of course-, Willow, Kevin, Chris, and even Mikey. Together they all helped me defeat all the triptoids and throw them out of my house. After I had the pleasure of throwing the last one of the triptoids, Zoey and Joel came running back inside hugging me, telling me how awesome I was fighting all those nasty monsters.


Okay so this is a small teaser what should be coming later! I don't know when exactly I am going to update next but I do know it should be within the span of the next two weeks considering that the play that I am in is doing the performances  Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. So I hope you like the little teaser and I hope that you bear with over the next couple weeks! See you next time! Don't forget to comment, vote, have an awesome day!!!!

The Ouranosaurus Ranger. (A Power Ranger/ Tommy Oliver love story)Where stories live. Discover now