Chapter 12

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"Deal." I said smiling, knowing that I had at least enough for us three, before a really worrying thought came to me. "By the way... Zoe, Joel. Where are your parents?"


My question immediately brought tears to their eyes, as they began sniffling with sadness. They looked down with guilt as they answered my question barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Th-those monsters---," Joel gasped out through his quiet sobs barely able to get the words out of his quivering mouth.

"Those monsters took 'em..." Zoe mumbled barely able to contain her sobs of anguish. "They were trying to protect us, and those horrible things took 'em from us!"

My mind immediately went blank, and my instincts kicked. I could still hear the sound of the triptoids disappearing; so I ran outside, watching as the last one disappeared into the green portal. I was just lucky enough that I was able to get to the portal, and jump through it before it completely disappeared.

I hit the cold metal ground, tumbling and rolling to a stop. Almost immediately, I was ambushed by the triptoids. I was knocked to the ground , and my vision became blurry. Then I was lifted by my arms, and dragged to wherever there master was. It was less than two minutes, before I heard voices and hisses. There was this one female voice that sounded so familiar to me, but I couldn't for the life of me place it.

But I became more distracted by the fact, that my brother and my sister-in-law were huddled together on the floor; afraid but a lot braver than anybody else would be.

"Steven! Annie! Are you guys okay?" I exclaimed once I saw no physical evidence of them being harmed.

"We're fine... Zoe? Joel? Are they okay?" Steven asked immediately, more worried about his children's safety than his.

"They're safe. They're in good hands, I swear." I answered him; and before anything else could be said between us, an evil chuckle assaulted my ears. A chuckle that sounded in between a man, and reptilian hiss; I recognized who it was from immediately.

"Well. Well. Well, look who comes crawling back to her master." His voice came out like a hiss, with a hint of male.

"Master?" I scoffed. "You got to be kidding me! If you don't recall, I was the one who helped make you into what you are today." I spat out, before mumbling just loud enough for them to hear. "You pathetic overgrown reptile."

I was not expecting it, but I barely flinched when a sharp sting was felt across my right cheek. The pain was felt before I heard the slap, and when I finally realized what had just happened; a giant smirk crossed my face and I began to chuckle almost crazy like.

"Don't speak to my master like that!!" The woman clad in all black shrieked into my face angrily.

I quickly pushed the triptoids off me, and stood up, slightly wincing, putting myself into her face. "I wouldn't touch me again, you knock off goth Barbie. Or not even your master will be able to save you. "

"Look at that," the disgusting reptile hissed with amusement. "It looks like little Emmy finally grew a spine."

"Don't call me that!" I exclaimed my anger growing more and more. "Now, what do you want with my family Mesogog?"

"I don't want anything with your family," Mesogog hissed. "I just want you. I want you to join me in taking down the Power Rangers."

"Tell me, Mesogog. Why would I want to take down a sacred order that I was once apart of?" I questioned.

"Because you don't want your family to get hurt, that's why!" The woman in black screeched, grabbing my purple shirt into a fistful.

"You are going to take this purple stone, and join me." Mesogog stated holding the stone out to me.

As I stood there looking at it, I could tell that this stone was still untainted from the powers of evil. So I took the stone from him; but as I held it in my hand, the stone warmed as if it was accepting me as it holder, it's defender. With a smirk back on my face, I looked back up at Mesogog; and with one swift roundhouse kick to the face, Mesogog hit the ground. "I'm not going to hurt a legacy that is to protect the world."

With the woman in black, checking to make sure her master was okay, I knocked the triptoids holding my family hostage out. Grabbing them we just began running and running, until we came upon another green portal. None of us knew where it went, but we were definitely not going to stay and get capture again. My brother and my sister-in-law, immediately followed after me. We were thrown into the middle of the road, and I was once again tumbling and rolling to a stop. 

Once I regained my senses, I looked around searching my surroundings. And I was more than happy to find out, that the portal spit us out about a block away from my new home; so with a five minute walk, we made back to my house. As we walked up to the front door, Zoe and Joel quickly ran out of the house throwing themselves into their parents embrace. I smiled happily as I watched the twin's cry in happiness, and their parents cry with relief.

My family was safe for now. But I had a new problem on my hands, I thought to myself as I looked down to the purple glowing stone in my hands. One that could potentially harm my family, if not myself. I was going to be a ranger once again, and I only just barely had an inkling on who this generations rangers was. I was going to have to do some digging before I made my appearance as the purple Ouranosaurus ranger.


Thank you to all the people who have read this story. I have finally decided to continue this story, and I'm so sorry that it took me so long to continue. My schedule for updates is still going to be slow, but I am going to try to update more than I have in the past. If anything happens with this story and makes it so I can't continue. I will let you know and I will give this story up for adoption, but for now I will continue to write it while I can.

Thank you for your support, and I hope you liked this chapter.

I send you NINJA HUGS!!!!!

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