Chapter 14

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After everything was said and done, my students were sitting and writing the essay that I had assigned them. I had gotten out a piece of paper for myself and began listing out the possibilities of one of my students being a power ranger. I couldn't stop thinking about who it could be at all; and it was truly beginning to stress me out. So I took a deep breath and tried to clear my thoughts, and I began thinking of everything very carefully. Going through each detail  with precision, searching for any clue. 

And that's when it hit me....

Matching colors; unusual jewelry; very weird inside jokes; and they even worried about me more than themselves throughout the attack from the day before. The generations power rangers were right in front of me all along.

Conner Knight; Kira Ford; Ethan James; and even Trent Mercer.

I had figured out who they were, but there was one thought that still perplexed me. In all the instances that I have seen or even heard of the power ranger people said there were five of them. Five rangers. Red; blue; yellow; white and... black. I knew who four of them were, but I was still missing the identity of the last one; the black power ranger.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when the bell rang; signaling the end of class. "Okay, everyone! If you have finished your assignments bring then up and set them on my desk. Introduction papers in one pile and the essay's in another. If you haven't finished, I want you to take them home and finish them. For those of you who will be taking your work home, I expect the finish product to be on my desk when you walk in tomorrow."

Luckily, for me I was able to get my instructions out before everybody had raced out of the classroom eager to next class so the day could be over as quick as it possibly could. I sighed when all the students was out room; and I began to  prepare for my next class.

I went throughout the day going through the motions; the thought of being power ranger, not really letting me do my best work on teaching my students. After the last bell of the day, I'm in my classroom gathering my papers, the ones I would be grading tonight. I went around the classroom picking up any trash that I could see, so the janitors would not have to do much work with my classroom. I was so preoccupied with busying myself; that I was startled by a knocking. I whipped around with almost inhuman speed; and was more than relieved when I saw that it was only four of my students. The ones who were the power rangers. Conner; Kira; Ethan; and Trent.

"You can't just sneak up on someone like that! You could end up giving someone a heart attack." I told them, scolding them playfully.

"We're sorry, Ms. Rory. We just wanted to make sure you're okay after yesterday." Kira began. "I remember hearing that sickening pop before you hit the floor and I don't know about the guys, but I wouldn't be getting right back and fighting for my students. Or anyone, for that matter."

"I promise you all. I am perfectly fine, it was nothing that a proper doctor or a little rest couldn't handle." I semi-lied to them, not wanting them to know that I know there secret identities; not just yet. "I really do appreciate your concern."

"Hey, Ms. Rory?" Kira began. "I'm having a gig tomorrow at the Cyberspace Café, and I would love it if you would come see it."

"I would love to. What time does it start?" I asked her.

"It starts at 5:30," Ethan piped in.

"Okay, then. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." I told them; and with that they each gave me a big smile and began leaving. I followed their example, and started leaving myself. I was walking to my car, when I saw that they were leaving the campus. So to mess with them a little before I revealed that I had the purple ranger gem; I yelled out to them, "Guys, be careful and don't be getting into any fights with monsters!"

I left them with that little tidbit, and a look of shock on their young faces; before I was driving back to my home.


So that's it for this chapter, I can't tell you the next time I will be updating. But I will try to as soon as possible. As always thank you to the people who have stuck with me this far. I truly do appreciate you and I'm glad that you like my writing.

I'll see you guys in the next chapter! BUH-BYE!!

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