Unfortunately another A.N.

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So I know that this is what you want to see from this story, but I am posting this to let all the readers know  that I am determined to keep this story going. I have no excuse for not updating and leaving you all hanging. I do not ask for your forgiveness, but I do ask one thing of all the readers and fans of this fan fiction, please keep reading and enjoying. 

So if you want to, you can go ahead and leave this A.N. because I am about to share something that may or may not upset you. The reason I am posting this is because just recently I lost my mother, and during this time period I began to think of all the things that I have half-assed in my life. As I thought about, I began thinking of going back and finishing things with everything that I have procrastinated with. Now, I'm not telling you guys this for any pity or anything else like that. I'm telling you this to let everyone know that this story will be continued. This story will be finished. I will not give up on this story. 

Now, that I have gotten this off my chest I also wanted to let you know that I will probably be updating this story at least once within the next coming week. I want to thank all my readers who follow my story and want more of it, without you all this story probably would have gone nowhere. So thank you. And I hope to see you guys in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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