Lexi's eyes were wide as she sat there in silence, taking everything in. 'My God is your life complicated.'

'You don't even know the half of it.'


After about three glasses of bourbon later, the previous year in Mystic Falls was explained. It turned out that Lexi was Stefan's best friend before she was 'pointlessly' murdered by Damon. With every passing minute, I started to like Lexi more and more. Especially when she started bad mouthing Damon.

'I can tell you now, that idiot is going to be the cause of his own demise,' she laughed, necking back the rest of her drink.

'That's providing the rest of Mystic Falls don't get there first!'

Lexi and I continued to laugh until our stomachs hurt. She watched me with curious eyes before she spoke. 'I still can't believe you traveled to the spirit world to save that Original. You must really care for him.'

I sat there for a moment, thinking over her words. 'We went through a lot together. He really helped me learn to control my magic...'

'I know that look,' she said, causing me to turn my head towards her. She gave me a knowing smile before tilting her head to the side. 'You love him, don't you?'

I smiled. It would explain why I had chosen to risk my life by coming to that place to save him. But could I really love Kol? 'Maybe...'

'Alright then.' Lexi placed her empty glass on the end table before standing up. 'Now, I don't know how you got stuck here but we need to get you back. If not for your sanity then for that lover boy.'

I rolled my eyes before standing up to join her. 'Okay, but how are we supposed to get me back? I don't even know how I got here.'

'Then we go and find someone who does.'

'Like who?' I asked after Lexi who had picked up her jacket that was hanging on the pegs by the front door.

'A very powerful witch,' she said with a smile before opening the door. 'Come on. We need to get there before the sun goes down. For some reason, it makes all the creatures here go crazy.'

'You included?' I asked as I walked through the front door.

Lexi gave me a slightly amused glare before walking towards Damon's car. 'When you do get back, you have to promise me something.'


'Tell Damon I've ruined his car. It would kill me, again, if he knew that I drive it over here.'


The quaint little town of Mystic Falls wasn't anything to what Eve thought it looked like. It was almost a disappointment. A place that supposedly was a beacon for supernatural creatures was so small and simple looking. For the place that was going to be the centre of the destruction of the world to look so normal, it almost made Eve laugh.

Once she was found by Cassandra's friends, she had to explain, without rolling her eyes, how thankful she was that Kol was back safely. She also had to lie about her being too weak to come back to Mystic Falls when the spell was cast, hence why she had waited for them in Salem.

After all the 'welcome homes' and 'we're so glad you're okay's', Eve had gotten into the back of the Originals car with, to her despise, Kol.

He kept looking at her throughout the entire journey as though waiting for something. Eve supposed it was the longing kiss that hadn't be shared between him and Cassandra since they were in the spirit world. Something that Eve had to stand and watch as she waited for her window of opportunity.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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