Last Day

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Elsa's POV

Going shopping this week was weird. Apparently a lot of people watched the interview, so when I went to the mall with Jack and I got a lot of pity glances. It also didn't help that I was in a wheel chair. At least no one was mad at me for plagiarizing though. Even the people who I copied wrote letters of forgiveness and to commended me on my wit and bravery in a time where most would panic and give up.

It was Friday, our last day in California. Already I have put on some weight, and can walk for around 30 minutes total. My baby bump isn't looking so large either because of the weight gain, I still have a lot more to go until I am my normal size, but I am improving. Slowly but surely.

Right now we are at the hospital for our first ultrasound. We are currently in the waiting room, and Jack is acting so nervous. He is holding tightly to my hand, his palms are sweaty, he can't sit still, and he keeps looking at me every couple seconds.

"Jack, calm down. Everything is going to be fine." I said.

"But what if it isn't?"

"Well either way getting yourself worked up won't change anything." I said. He nodded his head, and continued his actions, until the doors opened.

"Elsa Queens." the nurse called out. I slowly stood up, and walked to the room with Jack following right behind me. Jack helped me get up on the hospital bed, then sat down next to me holding my hand.

The doctor comes in and closes the door behind him.

"So Elsa, I see this is your first ultrasound." he said.

"Yeah." I said.

"So how far along are we?" he asked.

"I think I'm a little over four months." I said.

"Alrighty, any morning sickness, cravings, or mood swings yet?"

"None that I am aware of." I answered honestly.

"Good, and any concerns?"

"Well I was locked up and held prisoner for three months. They starved me trying to make me naturally abort. I guess we just want to know if everything is alright with the baby. Like is it healthy, mental or physical illness that it might have, or really anything." I said.

"Okay, lift your shirt up, and lets take a look." he said.

I lifted up my shirt, and he squeezed this cool jelly on my stomach. Then pulled out the little wand they use for ultra sounds and started moving it around on my stomach. He paused the picture and chuckled.

"What?!" Jack asked nervously.

"Well, I don't know who told you you were having just a baby." he said, then showed us the screen, "You're having twins."

"What!? Are they healthy?" I asked.

"They appear to be in perfect health, no signs of physical or mental illness as far as I can see. Would you two like to know the gender?" he asked.

Jack nodded is head.

"There is one male and one female." he said, "I'm going to leave you two for a moment." he said then walked out.

"Twins." I smiled looking at the two little angels on the screen, "Jack?" I asked realizing he hasn't said anything.

"L-Look at t-them." he stuttered out with tears in his eyes, "They look so tiny and beautiful. Our perfect little creations." he smiled his tears now streaming down his face.

"Two kids thought. It's going to be a lot of work, especially for us considering we are both so young." I said.

"I know, but together we can do anything we put our minds to." he smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled and wiped his tears away.

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