Prison Escape

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(A/N: Elsa's prison dress above in media section)

Elsa's POV

I had been up all night wrapping that chain around my neck, then unwrapping it. I am pretty sure that I have a very large bruise around my neck, but then again, that is what I am going for. Now I am just sitting here waiting, based on my sort of sun dial I made on the floor I have only around an hour before the park opens, and they are going to want to do this before the park opens so I have only around a couple minutes.

This had better work or else.

I saw the shadows of people who I recognized as Pitch and someone else from the hallway outside of my cell. I pulled myself off the ground, and wrapped the chain around my neck twice. I saw Pitch hand whoever was supposed to give me the abortion a gun, then they started walking down the hallway. That is when I let go of my grip, and the chain started to strangle me. I closed my eyes, to hear a loud scream.

Narrators POV

The doctor walked into the room ready to do the procedure. He had a table to strap her on, his material, drugs, then key to unchain her, and a gun for if she goes crazy on him. Apparently this patent has a long history of mental illness, hints why she was locked up in a place like this. Still he needed her to lie down on a table for the procedure, that is why he was given the key, so he could transfer her. When he saw Elsa hanging from the ceiling, he couldn't help but scream out. She was pale as a sheet, and had a large bruise around her neck. Pitch walked into the room to see what all the fuss was about, then he saw Elsa.

The doctor ran over to her, and started to unchain her. He got the first one off of her neck, and now she just dangled lifelessly. He started working on the other, when a hand grabbed something from his belt, and a loud bang was heard. He turned around to see Pitch collapsed on the floor with a bullet in his skull.

"Unchain my last hand, and get away from me and my baby." Elsa said hoarsely.

The doctor nervously nodded, and uncuffed her other hand. She stood up and glared at him.

"Now go." she said pointing the gun at him. The doctor didn't have to think twice about that, he ran and got the hell out of there while he could.

Elsa's POV

I was out and free! Thank God Pitch chose someone with a conscience to do the procedure. I walked over to Pitchs body, and shot his head one last time to be sure. 

Rule #2 double tap, especially this creep.

Then I walked out of the cell, and headed down the hallway. There was a table of around five men sitting there playing poker. I shot all of them, then looked down at my shoulder. One of them had shot me, but I wasn't bleeding too bad so who really cares. I sat down, and started eating all of their food that was on the table. Then I started looking around for different clothes. I found none, so I guess I was stuck with this dress.

I ran to a restroom, and locked it. I threw away the filthy underwear I was wearing, then used the restroom to dispose of my bodily waist for the first time in three months. After that I looked at my reflection. I was ghost pale, covered with dirt, my hair was oily and lanky, I was so thin you could see just about every bone in my body, and I had bags around my eyes. The dress that I was wearing hardly fit me because of my stomach, but thankfully it was stretchy. I felt a bit uncomfortable going commando in a dress, but then again I would feel worse in those underwear.

I sighed, and stepped out of the restroom. Then I started walking around looking for a door. This place was like a maze, but I finally found one. When I tried to open it though it was locked. There was no lock for me to pick. It must be locked automatically from the outside.

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