Strike a Pose

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Elsa's P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning, and quickly started to get ready. I showered, and put on light makeup, then went to my walk in closet.

I decided to go with something warm and cozy today. I went with thick black leggings, a white short sleeve shirt, a flannel, a green jacket with a fur hoodie, and black combat boots. I looked at my appearance one last time and smiled, then I went downstairs. I saw not only was Jack ready, but also everyone else.

"Ahh, what are you guys doing?"

"We're going with you." Anna said.

"Anna, you are resting. Besides I have to go with Jack. It is a way to show the public that we are dating, so we can get engaged in six days."

"No way. Elsa, weren't you the one who said you can't marry a man you just met?"

"I was, but this is different than yours. Unlike you, this is strictly business not true love. True love doesn't exists, now come on Jack, were going to be late."

"You know we're going to follow you, right?" Punzie said.

"Please good luck getting in." I said still walking towards the door.

"We got into the club last night, didn't we." Anna said.

"Yeah, I've been wondering, how did you get in. You have to be like a VIP or something." Jack said.

"The guys at the door recognized Merida, and she said if they let her in she would give them tickets to the next summer Olympics." Anna said.

"Fine! But don't call me Elsa, call me Icy. Also don't walk next to me, always walk behind me." I said. They all nodded, and I started walking with Jack. The only reason I walked in the winter, was because with New York traffic, it is much faster. After around twenty minutes of walking and being swarmed by the press, we all reached Frozen Records... well Frosted Records now.

I walked straight back to the cover room where all of my album covers were taken, and I heard a familiar squeal. OLIVIA!

"Olivia! I said super excited. I ran over to her and gave her a big hug.

"Icy!" she said winking at me. "It is so good to see you again!"

"I know, it has been years!"

"Wait!" Punzie said, "Olivia as in the one who invented the perminate skin and hair dye Olivia."

"Yep" Olivia said, "Actually Icy was the first person to test it out, so it was a good thing it worked, otherwise you would be totally screwed." she said giggling.

"Yeah...yeah. Now lets get my makeup and costume on, because I want to go home and get my beauty sleep. This-" I gestured to my face, "does not happen naturally."

"Okay, sit down. I want to do some light makeup, and your outfits look amazing. They are super sexy and bad ass looking, perfect for this album."

"That is great! I just can't wait for this to be all over, but I don't know what I am going to do for the next five months."

"I don't know, start more bar fights."

"Actually it was a club fight, and you heard?"

"Saw actually. You have a nice form down let me tell you."

"Well, I did just win the Heavy Weight championship."

"True, now sit down and lets get started!" she said in her chipper voice.

I took a seat, and she started working on my face. She lightly hummed while she worked on me, and when she was done, told me to open my eyes. She put on frosted berry eye shadow, masquera, wild berry lipstick, a pink blush, and eyeliner for an edgy look. Then she took me to my changing room, and left me to change. There were only two outfits thank God! Both were perfect for the cover, as she already said.

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