Return Of Nina

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It was 8:00Am on a monday. I was in the kitchen looking out the window. Our driver was running late.

Pierre was playing sick so he stayed up in his room. Finally getting to school i went to my locker. Closing it ashley stood in my face.

I rolled my eyes and was about to walk off. She grabbed my arm and looked at me seriously. "Raven! Please listen. Just for a second."

I looked back at her with a smirk. "Go ahead ashley hurry up. "I need a favor from you." She said. Rolling my eyes i couldn't believe it.

Just then the bell rung. "Ill text you later please just this one time raven." I shook my head and walked off.

Inside my class i studied my practice test packet as my phone vibrates. Thank god the class was a little noisey i hadn't turned on my silence mode.

Grabbing it quickly i stopped the ringtone. Looking at it was a message from ashley. I really cant stand her ass but i do got a heart.

-I need you to meet me afterschool at brookhavens library. Be there around 3:30pm sharp its important.

Putting my phone up i continued to do my work. Once class was dismissed i noticed manny and mia. They were talking to somebody who i hadn't seen before.

It looked pretty serious so eased off. They are really about the drama and i want to stay far away from it all. Bumping into trina she smiled at me.

Waving she hugged me. Call me crazy but why is she being so friendly i dont fool with her she's pierre girl not mines.

"Hey raven. Is pierre here?" She asked. Just as i thought why she was being nice i see now. "Sadly no." I said and walked off.

"Its important though." She yelled. Oh my god why is everything so important now a days. I had my own issues i need to pass everything.

Sadly if i dont ill go packing it up on my way back to foster home. I just cant do that. I dont wont to let ms.marshal down she is super nice to me.

She have her ways and glad to say pierre is off my case. For a mintue there he had me worried.

The day was slowly but surely moving alone. I did notice that the student body count was low. The halls were barely full but i shook it off.

Finally the last bell rung as i walked to my locker. Going outside i had my bag on my shoulder and my cellphone in the other.

Looking at the time i waited for the driver. Once he picked me up i had him run me to the library. Inside i found ashley sitting by a corner peeking out the blinds.

She looked nervous and uptight. Walking over to her i sat down. Lord knows i didn't want to be here.

Only here i was in front of the one person who i once cared for. "So whats up?" I asked. She looked around. "I need a favor but you got to promise me you wont say anything.

I shook my head. "Okay i promise." I said looking at her with a slight attitude. Leaning forward she whispered.

"I need you to call nina for me. She wont pick up for me. I written this paper for you for when you call her. It may be hard but you got to get her to meet you."

Looking at her serious face i became sick. "Please raven its important." She said then got up to leave.

Making it home i got myself together. Later that day i called nina. Reading the letter my mouth was wide open.

Its really some mess going on i don't know how many times i got to tell them i dont want any dealings with it at all.

*Ring, ring, ring*

{Nina}:hello nina speaking.
{Raven}: hello my name is raven. Im calling on behalf of a friend....
{Nina}: let me stop you there. I dont have friends. Now who are you seriously.
{Raven}: okay well my name again is raven scarlet and im ashleys ex girlfriend.
{Nina}: i know you a bold face lie now. My best friend has never been gay. So please go do something with your low life ass.
{Raven}: Look i didn't wont to do this shit anyways. The fact that your life is in danger and your being rude is very bold of you. Now i cant say much over the damn phone. So we got to meet up. No questions asked. Ill send you the info and you let me know. Until then honey goodbye!

The next day ashley was all in the kool aid asking a thousand questions. I just told her i was working on it.

Everything seemed normal. After a couple periods i went to the bathroom. I had been feeling dizzy lately.

Its just stress i thought and brushed it off. Using it i cleaned up and reached for the door to leave until i heard mia's mouth.

"So brook remember the other day? Why? Why is this happening?" She sounded concerned. "Mia chill. Look you don't have to deal with it. Stay out of it."

"I mean manny is my heart how can i not ride for him?" Mia asked. "Girl trust me just leave it alone." Brook said. "All i know is that that guy is looking for somebody and if he dont find them or it hell we grass." Mia cried.

Once they left i was out of there. What was this?Whatever it is needs to go away i cannot fail. But i felt like i owe nina i don't know her but i must warn her.

Afterschool i noticed ms.marshal car in the driveway.Going inside she and pierre sat at the kitchen table. Walking in donald sat my plate in front of me.

Eating nervously it was to quiet. "May i be excused? I have to have a meeting. Pierre, raven. Donald i want you to clean both of their rooms. Strip everything and take everything out their closets but their school uniform. That is all bye family."

Donald began to follow orders. While im sitting at the table forced to figure out what just happened.

The Drama Queen 2[On Hold]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ