Letters with Mia (Week one)

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Oh great not only was I having boyfriend issues, home issues, friend issues, now school issues to. Oh lord help me sweet baby. I've tried reaching out to Brook but nothing.

I know I can't call Ivy because once one other girl is mad at me the other just stay away until it's settled. I couldn't get any sleep lastnight.

My sister and her fiancé were having loud sex. She only acted so poorly because she knew our mom was out for the night. They sounded so nasty I swore I had nightmares.

In class I sat next to my partner whose name I did not know until now. I was dreading coming to this class. Just seeing Manny and Raven made my heart hurt.

We haven't talked in a week in a half I didn't know what to say after he stormed off on me being foul. Anyways class was starting and I had my grade to think about most.

I wrote on the first paper.


Mia & Fred

-So fred were you at the skate fair last weekend?
-Yeah it was okay but I didn't stay long though.
-How come? Half of the whole school was there.
-Your right but I'm fred I don't do crowds. I like to be solo dolo at times.
-That's weird I hate being alone. I enjoy company.
-I guess I don't need a lot of people around to defind me on who I am as a person.
-Wow you took that pretty harsh fred. I totatly get it though your a loner.
- I like it that way less drama for me.
-Maybe you should get some friends and hang out sometimes. You'll see it can be fun.
-I'm good honestly I'm the type of guy who don't need popularity. Nobody remembers all of that when they grown and I'm not trying to be remembered.
- Wow your different and rough around the edges we have two weeks. Do you think you'll be able to open up to me? We have to ace this assignment.
- No worries we will.

The bell rung as we wrapped up our things and left out. Manny grabbed my hand as we walked to the gym. "Baby I miss you and I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay boo and I miss you to."

"So what's up? You also got to apologize to me." I said. "For what?" He asked. "Calling me a foul name." I said. "I'm sorry baby and I didn't call you one I just said you were behaving like one."

"Yeah I'm sorry it's just at the skate fair I got a little mad." I finally admitted. "About what?" He asked. "How you were looking at Ashley and Raven." I said. "Yeah they weird and I think something is up with them."

"So what you hate gay people or something?" I asked laughing. "No I don't but forget it baby there is nothing going on. I'm your man baby." I hugged him and kissed his lips.

He looked at me up and down and then grabbed my neck. I almost couldn't breath. "Where is your neckalace at?" He asked then let my neck go.

"Home." I said rubbing my neck. "You know you trying me right?" He said. "I'm sorry I'll put it back on tomorrow promise." I said. "You better." He said kissing me again.

Once school was done I went to grab a large sweet tea from McDonalds and went home. Taking a shower I put on my pjs and relaxed. Doing my homework I had no problems.

Grabbing the compostion notebook for our letter assignment I thought hard. Hmm I have to come up with a good relatable topic for fred and I.

He couldn't relate to anything I was talking about. Darcy prepared a small and light dinner. Which was good to me. Finished eating I looked back in the compostion notebook.

Wednesday 1:35 pm

In literature class I was in a better mood. Manny and I were going out for dinner and I was happy of that. I needed him to take my mind off things.

Getting in my assigned seat I took out me and fred's notebook. I haven't thought fully on our topic but he just wouldn't budge.

So I wrote in our notebook.

Dreams and expectations.

Fred- Nice topic Mia.
Mia- I know right I'm interested.
Fred- Why?
Mia- I can't be?
Fred- I say your just doing it for the grade.
Mia-I'm not heartless nor do I limit myself to people like you.
Fred-People like me? What do you know, nothing.
Mia- Can we stick to the subject at hand? What are your dreams and expections? Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Fred- My dream is to become a soilder for our country. I'll love to war. I have no expections I figure life will just give me what it has planned for me. Okay what about you?
Mia- My dream is to become a doctor and help people not kill them. I expect to graduate both highschool and college. Get married and have kids. You know live a normal life.

The bell rung and I was happy as ever. I saw Brook and she looked sad. "Brook." I called out to her she walked over. "Hey Mia." "You okay?" I asked.

"No." "What happened Brook?" I asked. "It's Devin." She said "What happened?" I asked. "He got locked up." "Why?" I asked. Brook shrugged her shoulders. "Just call me tonight." I told her as I walked off. After school I changed my clothes and went out.

Meeting Manny we sat down for dinner. Looking me in my eyes he had a serious look. "What?" I asked him. "I hope you not getting to close to Fred." "I'm not why you say that?" I asked Manny.

"Just don't like my girl chatting with other dudes." I giggled a little. "It's okay nobody can take me away from you." I said looking at him. "You promise?" "Baby I promise you my man." I said smiling at him.

After a great night I headed home before going to bed I called Brook.

Thursday 1:35 pm fourth period

Fred had our notebook last so he was starting back up a conversation. I hope it's not a stupid one either because he is on thin ice.

Not only was he boring, but rude to like he hates the world.
Fred- Okay you have a valid point. Life is all about having a family, finances, success, and happiness.
Mia- Of course Fred. So what are your plans on making that happen?
Fred- After I graduate I plan on going off to the army. Find me a wife down the line and settle down.
Mia- So no kids in your future?
Fred- No, no kids just me and my wife.
Mia- Kids are a blessing.
Fred- Expensive to.
Mia- That won't be a problem for me.

For some reason fred never wrote back once Friday came he wrote one thing and nothing else.

Fred-i I don't want to waste my time today. We can try again next week. Keep the notebook I don't want to see it in my presence this weekend.

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