Chapter 35: Teasing!

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Sorry guys I would have updated yesterday bu while I wrote like 200 words my sister took the laptop and didn't give it so eventually I slept but I am here now!!:p.Love you guys!!!Hope you Enjoy!


All the guys were constantly talking except me and Liam was driving with a straight face and I was just looking out from the window like some depressed person.I don't know why but today I was feeling low and lazy but I am still excited for Liam's surprise at least there is one more person who is happy.I guess the other three guys noticed my deprived state cause they asked me. "Zayn!Mate why are you so depressed!"Niall spoke up calmly looking at me along with Harry Louis and Liam just kept his eyes on the road.Harry being cheeky he had to say something "Your acting like your pet fish died!" he said with a completely serious look on his face to confirm that he wasn't kidding.

I just rolled my eyes "It's nothing guys just not in the mood!" and now it was The Great Louis's turn to speak "Oh!Now I understand he hasn't seen Aisha that much these days that is why he is so sad!" they all laughed even Liam smirked and let out a laugh while I just rolled my eyes to be taunted again "You know if you will roll your eyes like that the may fall out of your sockets!" Louis sasses.I just huff "It's not like that guys it-"before I could finish my sentence Louis interrupted "Oh!Now I understand why he is acting so depressed!" he said with a devious smirk "What?" Liam spoke up for the first time through the whole ride with a smirk on his face.I braced my self for what nonsense logic Louis was gonna give "Guys it's obvious he hasn't seen Aisha since quite a time and he misses seeing her !"he said eyeing me with a smirk on his face they all bursted out laughing EVEN Liam.

I opened my mouth to speak up but Niall spoke up first "Oh or !Did she forget Zaynie's birthday?" he said pinching my cheeks .I groaned "No!She didn't!She wished me in the morning when she came over and she got me a gift!" I said with a proud look on my face "What did she get you ?Time away from you!" he said and they all laughed once again.I just layed my head back on my seat "No!She promised that she will make me a full Pakistani lunch and she designed me a varsity jacket!" "Awww!So Sweet!" Harry said touching his heart . I smiled "Thank You!".Louis finally spoke up with a smirk "Well!You don't need to wait any longer cause we are here!"he said unbuckling his seat belt and getting out.I had a huge smirk on my face. We opened the door to be welcomed by the designer.We said our hi's and hello's when she spoke up "I am sorry guys but I need to go to London immediately but my best intern Aisha will get your work done and I guess Zayn you know her?" she said looking at me through her glasses which were on the tip of her nose but she seemed sweet.I let out a laugh and Harry being his cheeky self nudged me a little in my side.

I spoke up "Yeah we're all really good friends!".She smiled and was about to say something when Aisha walked in "Hey Guy's!" she hugged all of us . After a few minutes the designer left I found out her name was 'Madame' Tiffany'.Harry excused himself to go to the bathroom. Niall excused to take a phone call.As they both knew the plan.I went near Louis and Liam and told them I needed to speak to Aisha they just smirked knowingly at me.They stood there and I went to Aisha and whispered to her "Is everything set?" "Yup!I will send both of the boys in that room then you have to vanish for a second so I will go and send Soph(Sophia)El(Eleanor) tot he same room as them and then we let it happen" she finished with that beautiful smile of hers.I smirked "Perfect !" .Aisha walked over to the boys "Boy's Zayn has to talk to me about something !So you both go in that room and if you get out of there you will regret!" she said with a serious face.They both quietly went in the room and I hid under the front desk.I hope this works!Fingers crossed!

The Girl Next Door(Zayn Malik Fanfic) :CompletedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat