Chapter 18:Blushy Mornings....

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So Sorry guys I have been really lazy and I have been busy I am at my grand mothers house for the past few days.I was gone for the whole day so I couldn't post but here is it finally.Hope you like it!!!


After taking a bath I put on a full sleeved woolen shirt it was pint and white and some white tights. I offered my prayers and went downstairs to make some breakfast for myself.I went downstairs to see no one was still awake.Wow they must've had fun last night.I took out two eggs and a tomato ,chilies ,onions.I cracked the eggs and made the mixture I added some cheese,salt and red chili powder (What I am a Pakistani I can't eat anything without red chili powder).I heated the frying pan and poured the mixture in the pan.As the omelet was cooking my phone  started ringing.I looked at the caller ID .It was Waliyha."Hey Waliyha!" "Hey Aisha!" "So what's up!" "Oh I just wanted to tell you that you can come over now!" "Is everyone already up!" "Everyone except the Brainless Bad Boy is up!" I laughed at this "I guess we finally found a better nickname than  Bradford Bad Boy and hopefully more irritating!" "Yeah Hopefully!So when are you coming!"I flipped my omelet once more and then put it on the plate I poured some juice in a glass and then went towards the dining table and sat down in  one chair.

"Umm...I will be there once I finish breakfast !!Probably  in 5 min!" I said taking a bite of my omelet."Sure!I'll see you then!" "K!See you!" I finished my breakfast .I gabbed my coat on the way out.Although I just had to go next door but it was freezing.I had to admit winter really hits Bradford.I knocked on their door not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty inside aka Zayn Malik. Waliyha opened the door and yanked me inside without leaving a second.'Whoa!Waliyha how much sugar did you eat!" "No it's just I am really excited!Let's go!" she said pulling me to the staircase which led to her room.I pulled her back stopping her there "Wait a minute!At least let me greet Tricia!" she slumped her shoulders "Okay!You go I will go in my room to get my dresses out.Hurry up!" "Okay!" I turned around to go.."Hey!Were is Tricia?" "Oh mom's in the kitchen!" "K! I'll be up in a minute!" .

With that I went in the kitchen to see Tricia looking for something "Hi!Tricia" "Oh!Hi Aisha!So what brings you here!" "Oh!I came to help Waliyha pick her dress!" "Ya she was really excited for you coming over she even told me about your parlor day!" "Ya!I thought  it would be good to just relax specially for Saira she is already getting nervous!" "Ah! It happens !I am actually surprised she didn't yank you upstairs!" Tricia said laughing .I laughed too "Well she.."I was interrupted by waliyha's shout "Aisha come up already...!". Me and Tricia looked at each other and started laughing.After our 5-10 min long laughing fit I controlled myself "I guess I should go before she comes here and drags me there!".I smiled as Tricia turned around to look in the fridge."She will actually do that!".I laughed and turned around only to scream and turn back around.


I woke up tot he noise of a screaming Waliyha but I couldn't figure out what she said.I got up.I was about to go in the bathroom when I heard my stomach rumble and make inhumane noises."Better get something to eat first !" I ran down the stairs in my sweats not bothering to put on a t-shirt .As I reached the bottom of stairs suddenly my phone buzzed. I took out my phone to see a text .It was from Liam 'On the way to your house with all the other boys'.I typed a reply and went towards the kitchen 'K.See you soon!'.I walked in the kitchen not looking up from my phone.I was about to send the text when I heard a scream and juggled for my phone preventing it from  falling .I caught it to see a girl with brown wavy hair flowing down her back .She seemed like Aisha.

Next to her was my mom glaring at me."What!"I said passing my mom and finally sending the text.My mother hit me on the head "Mom!" .I turned around "Zayn!Go and wear a t-shirt there is a girl here who is not your sister!" ."It's Okay!Tricia I will just go to Waliyha!"Aisha said looking down her long brown hair framing her face.With that she went out of the kitchen her head still down.I grabbed the cereal box and was getting the milk box out of the fridge when my mom slapped me on the head again.I took the box out and turned around "What now!" "Zayn!Go change!Now".I turned around to go out of the kitchen as I was climbing the stairs when  I heard my mom.'Ya'Allah kiya karoon gi mein iss larke ke saath' (Oh My God!What am I going to do with this boy).I just went to my room and before closing the door I screamed 'Aap mera kuch nahin kar saktin hain!Mein ek azaad parinda hoon!'(You can't do anything about me!I am a free bird/person).I smiled and closed the door but I could still hear my mom laugh at my silly reply.

I know it is a crappy chapter but I swear the engagement will be in the next chap.(P.S Please don't hate me)

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