Chapter 43~ Home

En başından başla

End of flashback

I am 8 months pregnant and everything is going awesome. Blakelyn and I are doing well. She absolutely loves my belly and talks to it every night before bed. I am half way done with nursing school and progressing fast. After William or Will for short was born everyone kind of spread out.

Mason and Laurel are living together and going to UW Madison. Laurel is studying interior design, while Mason is going for Architecture. He got her a promise ring which she happily accepted. Its not an engagement ring but its them saying they aren't ready to get married yet but will eventually.

Juliet and Shane are living in the dorms at the UW Eau Claire. Shane is going to school for Education, surprisingly, to become a gym teacher specifically. Juliet on the other hand is pursuing biomedical engineering. They broke up again for like 3 months and are back together now.

Kristen and Jackson are still living in our house with baby Will. Since I only have classes 2 days a week, I watch Will so Kristen can take her classes. Krist is studying to be a middle school/high school health teacher. While Jackson changed his degree to be a veternarian, so that when takes over the farm he won't have to pay vet bills. Will is a very happy baby and can stand all by himself now.

Brandon is still single and for the longest time ever. I am still impressed at his actions. He lives with us still and is going to be a model for Abercrombie. He certainly has the looks for it. The bad part about it though is that he knows that too. So his ego is through the roof.

Asher left for Berkeley on a scholarship. Apparently he has a girlfriend now, but we haven't heard from him in 4 months I think. And no one knows what he wants as a degree.

Trey graduated and moved up here. He is now an elementary school guidance counselor here in Brooke Falls. He loves it and loves the kids he gets to work with. He has been dating Tenley for 7 months and I am so happy for them. Tenley loves him and he loves her. Ten by the way, has a scholarship for softball and is studying to become a full out psychologist.

And Jordan well we haven't talked to him since William was born. We called to tell him that Kristen had the baby. He apologized for leaving and said he still loves the baby, but he wasn't ready to be a father. He also said the regrets leaving and said he still loves Kristen. When he said that Krist freaked out, yelling at him saying if he really loved her and the baby that he wouldn't have left and that she doesn't love him anymore, she doesn't even like him anymore and that she has moved on and is married. And that he should move on too. She cried for a long time after that.


"Are you excited?" Mason asked.

"For what?"

"Your husband, that you haven't seen in 8 months, will be here in 15 minutes!" He shrieked.

"Mason you sound like a 11 year old girl, don't ever squeal like that again," I laughed.

"Okay, okay but will you name one of your sons after me?"

"I thought we already had this conversation, we are not naming our child after you, you are not that cool." I smiled.

"Whatever, but I still know something you don't," he devilishly smirked.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I stared at him.

"Maybe cause Ben told us all something he didn't tell you,"

"And why would he do that?" I retorted.

"For two reasons actually, one because he didn't want you to worry, and second because he wanted to surprise you and make you happy." He was clearly informed of this already.

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