NIALL:You're going out with one of the boys #17

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NIALL:you're going out with one of the boys #17
Niall (22yrs old) (Liam)
Niall knew you were going out with Liam. He found out last week. The reason he found out was because Harry said it out loud while you and the boys were out at Nandos. He was so angry he actually left his food at the table and stormed out of the the place.
You and Liam was in the tour bus. Cuddled up and eating popcorn. Toffee popcorn. (A/N THIS IS MY FAVOURITE!) While watching a movie. The boys were out still recording and Liam was finished. And since you twos need to spend time with each other - without the public/fans knowing. It was movie night for you twos. You and Liam was kissing. It started to get really heated. You stradled him. Next thing you know was *bang* You whispered "Liam I'm scared" "Don't be Y/N, I'm going to go and check it out" "No Liam you are not" You said sternly (Is that a word?)
"Fine, I'm phoning Nialler"
*ring ring* You originally thought this was Liam's phone. But it came from outside. "What's up Liam?" "Ah, Niall where are you?" "Outside of the tour bus, why?" "It doesn't matter now Nialler. Why are you outside?" "Why are you inside?" Bitch "Goodbye Nialler" Then he hung up. "See love, nothing to be afraid it was Niall. He couldn't hurt a fly." "I love you Liam" "I love you too Y/N" And with that you twos kissed again. Passionately. "Oi get your hands of my sister!"
Well that was a shit chapter. But anyway. Important announcement.
I'm leaving to go to France this Saturday. Which means I can't update any parts. Since there's no WiFi there - living the dream,note the sarcasm. Im going away for 2 weeks.
You might get one more chapter. I'm not sure. (Before I leave)

Love ya xx

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