You have depression (Niall) #2

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You have depression (NIALL)#2

Niall Horan 14yrs old
You were of course on tour with Niall and the rest of 1D boys and 5SOS boys. You had depression you even had tablets/pills/medicine for it just to relax you and think of happy thoughts ( I never used these so I made it up ) It was of course in the bathroom. I haven't used it for the past week. You had the urge. Your bad habits are coming back ; self harm. Niall forced you to go shopping with Perrie. The truth is they knew something was wrong with you , you were very distant and gave short answers when asked a question, you always had your scene it would usually be rage but sometimes it was emotional.
We looked EVERYWHERE just trying to find out what's wrong with my baby sister. Ashton says "What about the bathroom?" "Oh hell no am I going in there last time I got beaten up by her" Laughter. That's all I heard. "Y-you got beaten up?" Louis says still laughing! "SHUT UP!! Ash you go check please?" "Fine but Liam is coming with me" "okay"
I walk in the bathroom with Li "I don't see anything Ash" "Wait what's that on the top of shelves?" Li reaches up grabs a box and a bottle. Looking confused. We walk in the living room we got the stuff we discovered spread it on the table. I open it up. SHIT!! BLADES! We take a closer look at the bottle its familiar. She has depression?
*y/n P.O.V*
I walked in all eyes on me. What did I do "where's Niall?" "He got a call from your mum about you" "Oh" shit I checked my phone 2 missed calls from mum. She phones me every so often about taking the pills to help me. She doesn't know that Niall doesn't know. He came back really pale. He knows. "Y/N Y/M/N HORAN YOU DID NOT TELL ME YOU HAD DEPRESSION AND YOU SELF HARM!" I nod and start to cry. Later on we had the talk about how to get better.
Part 2?
Should I do the rest of the boys?
DM me for imagines or ideas (or comment) what ever floats your boat, milks your goat, buttons your coat - I learnt that today at lunch.
Love ya

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