Another boy babysits you #4

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Another boy baby sits you #4
*The name in brackets are your babysitter*

Liam (12 yrs old) (Niall )
"Okay y/n promise me you will be good for Niall"
"I promise Li" He kisses you on your forehead and leaves. "Okay y/n what do you wanna do?" Asks Niall. "I WANNA SHOW YOU MY TREE HOUSE!!" "Okay" Niall says worried. You started to drag Niall to your new tree house.Niall knows you are not the best climber. You started to climb, smiling like a child at Christmas. *CRACK* You looked down to see the branch is snapping in half . which means if it does break you fall..... *CRACK* "Thank God!" "Y/n don't say that! Also are you not gonna thank me for saving you?" "Fine, fine. Thank you Horan " You said while squeezing his cheeks. "Get of off me" "HEY DONT TALK TO MY SISTER LIKE THAT!" "Wait... What? Did you not know wh-" Liam put is hands in Niall's face meaning he didn't want to hear it. When Liam wasn't looking you stuck your tongue out at Niall. "I hate you" mumbled Niall. "What did you say Niall?" "Oh nothing"

Harry (18yrs old) (Louis)
"But hazza I don't need no babysiter" You said sassily. "Yeah be sassy with me that'll help you" Harry said sarcastically. "*sigh* Fine Who's babysitting me?" "Louis" Truth is you always had a crush on him for the past few years. "Fine" *Knock knock* "There he is, well see ya" "Hey what's up y/n?" "I shouldn't have a babysitter Louis I'm 18 for gods sake!!" "There there. How about we call this something else?" You were hoping he was going to say 'Date' But of course.... "Like?" "A movie night! You get the food I get the movie. Deal?" "Deal" You skipped to the kitchen you finally come across the toffee popcorn. (my favourite) "Y/N YOU NEAR DONE? OR DID YOU GET LOST?!" Of course he would bring that memory up. Almost like nightmare. "OH FUCK UP I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR OPINION" "damn sassy" you swore you heard him saying "My type" You ran over to him jumping on his back. "Got the pop to the corn" He chuckled. "Dafuc?" You twos were both laughing so hard at this point. "W-whats on?" "Insidious" (Watch it, its amazballs) "Louis I hate scary movies" Long story short Harry came home around 1am to find you and Louis cuddled up with blankets and smiling like idiots.

Louis (7yrs old) (Harry)
"Hazza, Where's Louis?" "I- I don't know y/n he said he just left 2 hours ago" *Ring ring* "I'll get it" You started to watch t.v until you heard crying. "Oh Hazza what's wrong? Louis always told me 'If you are ever upset call me and I'll put a smile on your beautiful face' Here I know his number of by heart because he helped me because the mean fans and bullies at school." You noticed he cried harder. "Y/n let's go to the hospital. I don't feel well" "What if Louis comes back. He is suppose to sing to me every night." "Y/N WE ARE GOING NOW" "Fine Edward!" (His middle name: for those you don't know)
*skip car ride*
We ran in. Harry ran to the reception. "Lo-Louis Tomlinson" "Relationship with patient" "Cousin and sister" Harry's my cousin. Woah! "Room 101" "Than-" "Wait you have to wait here he is in a bad condition" "Oh" While we sat down I asked "Your my cousin?" "No I lied" "okay" I didn't understand what was happening I thought he was sick? *T.V turns on by a nurse* "The famous boybander Louis Tomlinson has been in a car crash. And may die later this day" WHAT! I see the other boys come in and their girlfriends/fiancé and 5SOS.Crying. I understand now. We all walked to room 101. Once the nurses said its okay. "Y/n, I want Harry to look after you from now on." "What about you?" "I- I might not make it" "What?" "Just remember, I love you with all my heart.I'll look down on earth and protect you from evil. I-" *BEEEEEPPPPPP BEEEEEEEPPPPPP* We are locked out of the room. I heard a slight noise. "Y/n you are my angel"
R.I.P Louis William Tomlinson
(I actually had to stop 3/4 way cause I started to cry)

Niall (3yrs old) (Zayn)
"Zaynie!" "Y/n!" "Okay y/n I have to go and record now. Bye bye love you" "Wove you too Nialwer" "Okay, what to do now y/n" "Food! Me hungry" "I'm okay with that idea. Go sit on the couch I'll make some dinner when I get back from the toliet" "otay" You got curious when Zayn left. You pulled a chair over and started to climb until you reached the freezer. You opened it up. You squealed for joy. You quickly but carefully lifted it and got off the chair , you then ran to your room. "Yummy!" "Y/n where are you?" "Not in my room" "There you are what are you eating?" "ICE CREAM!!!!" Zayn just chuckled and posted a picture of you on Twitter. @Zaynmailk; Look at this one! Such a Horan.
Later that night the #1 hash tag was: #miniNiall

Zayn (17yrs old) (Liam)
Of course your brother didn't trust Louis babysit you because last time was a nightmare. Let's just say pranks happened in EVERY room.So he got Liam. You being 17 were in the 'rebel phase' You carefully snuck out of the house. Checking to see if Liam was still watching t.v. You ran to the the party.
*1 1/2 hours later*
You are completely wasted. Your phone kept going off but this time you agreed to the phone call. (Conversation; L=Liam Y=You)
L:Where are you
"Hey y/n try this weed its sick" Liam must of heard that.....
L: y/n walk out now! Go to the front door and tell me where you are!
Y:I'm out now. I'm here at 67 Loathe street.
Let's just say the next time your brother goes out all 4 & 5SOS Will be there to babysit you & couldn't forget about killer hangover tomorrow :D
Hope you enjoyed :)
Updating quicker now this took 3hrs to do that's why I got lazy.....
I cried at Louis part :( Anybody else?

Love ya Xx

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