Adrianna had to work all day Sunday so Fallon and I hung out around the apartment. I had missed that little girl so much. We were sitting at the kitchen table eating when she started back up about Wayne. "Momma when we going home." I took a swig of my water just to buy time. "You not having fun staying with TeTe." Fallon shook her head. "I want Wayne momma." I closed my eyes. God help me I wanted him too, I was nervous enough about seeing him Tuesday. "You will see him soon baby." Fallon gave me a pouty look but went back to eating her fish sticks. As if knowing I was talking about him Wayne called. I made a face at Fallon. "Guess who that is." I hit answer and gave her the phone. I had to laugh listening to her talk 90 to nothing. I wish I had of thought to turn the speaker on. I frowned when I heard Fallon ask him when he was coming to pick us up. I don't know what he said but she frowned looking up at me. They talked a little bit longer before she handed me the phone. I glanced down at Fallon. "What di you tell her." Wayne sighed. "I told her I didn't know, I didn't know what to say to her." I frowned. "I know she keeps asking when we are coming home." Wayne let out a deep breath. "I would like to know that too. How do you expect us to work this out if you wont come home." I started playing with my water bottle. "I don't know Wayne, I mean you hurt me a lot. I don't know what to think, what to believe. I want to trust you so bad, but every time I close my eyes I see the two of ya'll together. Do you have any idea what that is like." Wayne was silent for a minute. "I would do anything to make it up to you baby, I never thought meeting with her to talk would cause all this shit." I sighed. "Answer one thing for me." I heard Wayne sigh. "Anything." I looked at Fallon, "if it wasn't for the baby would you still want me back home." Wayne laughed. "You know me well enough to know I wont stay with a girl just cause of a baby, I love you girl." I bit my lip. "I love you."

It wasn't long before Fallon laid down for her nap. I grabbed my computer going online and found myself looking at baby stuff. I looked down at my phone hearing my text notification go off. I looked down and saw it was from Brooklynne. I frowned. I hadn't called her and didn't know if she knew Wayne and I were split up or not. I opened the message and let out a sigh. "Wanna do lunch???" I quickly sent her a text telling her I was out of town and I would catch her next time. I felt bad lying to her, but I was out of town. I closed my computer not in the mood to browse anymore. I pulled up the pictures on my phone and started going through them. I stopped on one picture Fallon had took of me and Wayne. We looked so happy, why couldn't we have stayed that way.

Fallon and I had dinner started by the time Adrianna came home. "Guess who took off tomorrow?" Fallon got super excited. I rolled my eyes. "What do you have planned?" I asked already knowing her. Adrianna grinned leaning down to give Fallon a kiss. "I was thinking the zoo." I groaned. "Its too hot for the zoo." Fallon on the other hand started clapping. "Hush, you'll be ok." I shrugged. "I guess, if I fall out from a heat stroke, it will be you explaining it to Wayne." Adrianna laughed. "I'ts not that hot, drink lots of water, and Wayne isn't involved in this." I cut my eyes up at her. "Bet he would see things different." Adrianna rolled her eyes. "I can see the headlines now, Lil Wayne's baby momma faints at Zoo." I bucked my eyes at her looking at Fallon. Fallon looked up at me grinning. "I Wayne's baby girl." I just smiled at her, "Yep, you sure are." She grinned real big and Adrianna rolled her eyes at me.

Adrianna woke us up the next morning telling us breakfast was ready. I pulled the covers over my head, "ugh go away." Fallon jumped in Adrianna's arms. "Wayne done let you get lazy, get your ass up." I groaned as Fallon and Adrianna left the room singing "Were going to the zoo." I sat up grabbing my phone, it was just after 9am. This time tomorrow I would be in Miami, I got up and walked in the bathroom, giving my reflection in the mirror a face, it was pretty scary. I ran a brush threw my hair and walked in the kitchen. Adrianna had made cinnamon rolls. I grabbed a bottle of water adding a flavor packet to it. "Umm no mam, sit your ass down and eat." I gave her a look. "Umm your not my momma. I'm not hungry." Adrianna gave me a look. "I'm calling Wayne." I rolled my eyes at her. "He aint going to do shit, he don't own me." She gave me a look and I just grinned at her.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now