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Fuck. I never actually thought I'd be stupid enough to do this, but here I am.

The following chapters of this story will be actual entries from my past 2 diaries. I'm writing them exactly as they are presented on the pages, so don't worry, you aren't missing out that much. These diaries are from when I was 8-10 years old. I have another diary, but that one needs to be burned. It's a little TOO embarrassing.

I don't even know why I'm doing this. I guess I'm just bored and feel like publicly humiliating myself :D

The bold text will be present me speaking. Everything underlined will be words that were scribbled/crossed out.

I'll publish two entries daily because of how short they tend to be until I have no more entries to publish.

Let's read through my dark past together, shall we? ;)

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