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I was happily greeted back to my home by Gem, mum, and Des-- along with Kat's family and Kimberly.

It felt good to be home, even though I had been gone for a day. Words couldn't describe how lucky I felt to be walking out of that hospital alive.

"Surprise!" everyone yelled when I walked into the house, which scared me quite a bit. All I could do in the midst of it all was stare in admiration at Kat-- my Kat, how beautiful she was. Even without her glasses she looked perfect.

"I'm glad to be home." I said with a small smile, looking around the room and meeting eyes with everyone who appreciated me. I was truly blessed. I never had this a while ago.

"We're glad you're home too, Harry bear." mum squealed, and pinched my cheeks which also hurt a lot. I'd gotten used to it, though. Mumma Anne acted like a grandmother to me. I love her.

"We were thinking that you could have Katrina over tonight." Des said, his expression neutral as usual. He hardly found an excuse to smile, how funny. Even when I was back from the hospital his face stayed dull.

How did he do it?

I didn't think I'd ever be able to last without a smile as long as Katrina was by my side. She was my light. She made everything new again. And I didn't even think she realized that.

"Of course." I smiled widely at Katrina, who was looking eagerly back at me. Her smile was so pretty, and I could've sworn it lit up the whole room.

Or maybe it was a side effect of the medication.

Kat grinned at me. "I already brought my things." she stated, looking at mumma and Des eagerly. "I can't wait to spend time with you guys again."

Gemma gave her a hug, and nothing felt better but to see the two get along. It meant the world to me. "We love having you over. It's lovely."

"I can second that." I chimed in, and everyone in the room laughed.

"It was nice seeing you." Kat's mom said calmly. "Hopefully your recovery is quick and easy."

"If God allows." mumma said gently, stroking her finger on my bandages which hurt a lot but I managed to stay quiet about it.

Our parents said their goodbyes and so did Kimberly, and when the door shut it was just my family and Kat.

So basically, my family.

Mumma clasped her hands together. "What do you want to do first?" she asked, sounding excited for one reason or another. "Go see a movie? Get some milkshakes?"

I shook my head in disbelief. "Mum, I just got out of the hospital." I reminded her.

She sighed and Des left the room. I felt bad knowing that they were looking forward to a family night, but my heart just wasn't in it. And something about Kat seemed off. I just needed to talk to her about it.

"Well I'll get a pillow ready in your room so you can elevate your hand, alright?" she asked worriedly. "And I'll get you some ice so you can ice it and help it heal quickly."

"Okay." I said, long and drawn out before she finally left the room. Gemma was long gone, so that left me, Kat, and the defeating silence that I couldn't hardly bear.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked her, guiding her over to the front couch. The television was already on, playing a channel that no one had bothered to watch.

"Nothing." she said quickly, and knowing Kat when she answered quickly her true answer was the opposite of what came out of her mouth.

I frowned and sat on the couch. "Kat." I pressed, hoping to get an answer out of her. Sadly, a 18 year old with a bandaged hand and a baby barf green bandana wasn't taken too seriously in america. "Please tell me."

She sighed and closed her eyes. That was a very bad sign. "When I was going to get cupcakes for all of us to share there was a note telling me to eat a whole giant cupcake by myself or something was going to happen to you." she said, twiddling her thumbs. My heart was beating out my chest already. "And I didn't want to risk it so I did, and when I went home and tried on the dress it didn't zip up all the way anymore."

I could've sworn my heart fell out of my bottom.

Words couldn't describe how horrible I felt to have let this happen while I was in my hospital room. She was so precious, and I had let someone hurt her while I wasn't around.

"Kat." I tried to say as softly as I could, but the kinder the tone got the harder the urge I had to fight not to cry in front of her. I didn't want to look weak and vulnerable, or else it would look like we never stood a chance. "That didn't happen because of that cupcake."

"Why, then?" she asked, throwing her hands up. "I still gained weight."

But then it came to me. Thank goodness.

"I washed that dress when we first brought it here." I recalled. "Remember, the shop owner warned that the dress shrinks after you wash it."

She stared into space a moment before wiping her red nose on her tee. "Yeah." she agreed, which made me let out a breath I didn't realize that I had been holding before. "I forgot about that."

I smiled. "No matter how much you weigh, you're perfect to me."

Her smile actually lit up the entire room this time, and I was the one who caused her to feel that way.

How honored did I feel.

By now I was crying, the thought of someone trying to hurt the two of us clouding my thoughts. It was all that I could think about because it was sadly true. I just didn't want it to be.

"I'll never leave your side." I whispered, and despite the reassurance we were still both crying.

"Same here." she sobbed into my shoulder, and we sat like that until we drifted off to sleep.

No one could make me as happy as Katrina Weber did.

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