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We stopped at a gas station, because Harry said his tank was nearly on empty.

"You can afford your own car, and the gas?" I asked in disbelief. "You must have a money tree in your backyard."

Harry stayed silent, but kept his friendly glance, and stepped outside to fill the car with gas. I waited inside.

I looked down at my lap most of the time, playing with my key and making sure that I still had it and hadn't lost it. I was glad Harry treated me to frozen yogurt, because truth be told I wouldn't have eaten until dinner otherwise.

Finally, he got back in the car and started the engine.

"Did you take a nap?" he asked. He seemed concerned for me.

"No," I said, "Why?"

"Because you look tired." Harry looked at me funny. "Good thing you're close to home."

He started to pull out of the station but every so often it felt like the car was hitting a bump. He turned the engine off and opened the drivers side door.

"Get out with me." he beckoned. "Something's wrong with one of the back tires."

We took a look at the back, only to see that a tire had been slashed. That was odd, considering Harry was by his car the entire time. Though, I had kept my eyes down. I had myself to blame.

"I'm so--"

"Sorry." he finished for me. "Don't be."

Thunder crackled in the distance and rain began to sprinkle again. The storm was starting back up and we basically had no form of transport.

"I'll call my mechanic to have it fixed." Harry sighed. "Sorry love, but we're going to have to walk."

I weakly smiled, thinking of how soaking wet I was going to be by the end of this. "Oh joy." I said with mock enthusiasm. "Let's go for a nice long walk."


Harry walked inside the convenience store and bought us a large umbrella to share, keeping both of us dry and comfortable. We switched shifts with holding it, though.

When we were about a three minute walk away, Harry stopped abruptly. I turned and looked at him, a little put off.

"What's up?" I asked him.

He frowned at me. "Why are you faking it with Noah?" he asked. I could tell it was bothering him. "I can tell you really don't like him."

"I don't." I confirmed. "He just makes me look good. But don't tell anyone or I'll be ruined."

"Aright." he agreed and pulled the umbrella down in one swift motion. Immediately I was soaked by the heavy downpour of rain.

"Harry!" I squealed, slapping him. He just laughed and ran his fingers through his wiry hair.

"Loosen up!" he looked to the sky and spun, letting out a childish laugh and sending water droplets everywhere. I could smell his manly shampoo with each twirl. "Let's walk in the rain."

So we did. And it wasn't that bad, it was fun actually. Half the way we skipped together. Then we broke out in a sprint until we landed in my driveway.

"Thanks for today, new kid." I joked.

Harry just grinned from ear to ear. His hair was now wet and straight, making his ears more apparent and making him look a little younger than a senior. "Call me Harry."

"Okay, Harry. Make sure to get those tires fixed." I said, and gave him a hug. He seemed happy by that, but turned on his heel and started skipping down the street and away from the house.

My heart fell to the floor when I turned around with a wide smile on my face, only to see my dad standing at the door.

new kid / h.sWhere stories live. Discover now