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"Maybe we should go shopping for your prom dress." Harry said, hobbling into his skinny jeans.

I smiled at the thought. That wasn't what normal couples did, was it? If not, that made it even better.

"Sure." I smiled. "But we shouldn't make this all about me."

By now, Harry was just in his jeans, which showed the black band of his Calvin Klein boxers. He was shirtless, which didn't affect me because I had seen worse-- still not forgetting that one time I accidentally walked into the boys locker room.

"I want today to be all about my princess." he beamed at me, his face disappearing for a second as he slipped his shirt on. I fought the urge to jump over there and hug him tightly for being so caring. I couldn't believe the whole school had turned against such a genuine boy like him.

Still, I managed to finish putting on my light makeup. "And what about my prince, huh?" I flirted back. "Maybe while we're there, we can get you some coffee."

Harry smiled at that. "Okay, you know how I can't pass that up." he half whined. "No fair."

"Who said I ever played fair?" I giggled, and sprinted down the stairs. Harry followed in a playful pursuit.

When we got to the bottom, Kimberly was waiting for us. She had offered to drive, so Harry and I could sit together in the back without him being focused on the road. The mall was about a twenty minute drive from where we were, and I could only imagine the whole ride would be full of laughter and fun.

Harry was all about making me laugh. That's what made him such a dork.

We had a breakfast of waffles with syrup, before watching television for a bit while Kimberly got ready.

"Almost done!" she called from the guest room upstairs, and I stood up from the couch.

"Ready?" I asked Harry, but he looked at me crooked. I wondered what was wrong.

He shook his head. "Trina, where are your glasses?"



That was a bit much to take in one sentence.

I'd never been called Trina before, but I guess it made sense. It just didn't feel like it fit right. I wasn't used to it. "I...um..." I mumbled, not finding the words to say after my haze.

Harry looked at me expectantly. "Glasses, babe."

Now that was a name I was familiar with.

"Oh!" I piped. "I forgot to put them on, I'm just not used to it yet."

Harry nodded with a faint grin, as if he had at first thought that I hadn't put them on intentionally.

I rushed upstairs and got my glasses, looking at my reflection in disappointment when I passed the mirror. If Caitlyn was trying to make me feel unattractive just in time for prom, it was working.

"Kat?" Harry called, long and drawn out from downstairs. I let out a sad sigh and put my sunglasses on top of my glasses to hide the look I had become unfamiliar with. "Kimberly is down here, are you ready?"

"Yeah!" I hollered, even though I was far from it.

I rushed down the stairs only to be greeted by Harry and Kimberly. They both looked concerned for me.

"You good?" she asked, taking her hand through her hair. I just nodded, even though I wasn't. "Then why are you wearing glasses inside?"

Harry sighed. He knew what it was, and I could tell it hurt him to know that I was slowly losing myself over a pair of glasses.

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