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this is gonna sound so pathetic but please vote and comment especially comment PLEASE :-(


I rushed into the hospital with my backpack on my back, still. All I could think about was Harry. All I cared about was Harry.

"Hello?!" I asked, pretty insanely if I do say so myself to the receptionist. "Do you have a Styles, Harry checked in right now?"

Her eyes bulged at my sense of urgency and she typed something down on her computer.

"Yes." she responded quickly and calmly. That only made me feel worse. So, Harry had to have an injury bad enough to be needing an ambulance.

Oh my god.

"What room?"

She sighed as if I were bothering her; I probably was. "Floor 6, room 112."

I grabbed my things and bolted for the elevator, jamming my finger on the 6 and not giving anyone time to join me.

When I got to the sixth floor, I practically sprinted for the room number I was given. I knocked on the door twice, and a familiar voice was heard through the door saying "come in".

I walked in and I almost dropped everything when I saw Harry lying in a hospital bed with Zayn by his side. They were talking about something, and it looked urgent.

"Harry?" I asked weakly, trying not to break down and cry at the sight. This was something I would have never wanted to see in front of me.

Yet he looked so calm. "Kat. How'd you find me?"

I shook my head in disbelief and ran over to the side of the hospital bed, instantly taking his left hand in mine. "Are you okay, what happened?"

He sighed and pulled his right hand from under the covers, which was wrapped in a bandage that had a splotch of crimson red in it.

"Someone from Noah's gang tried to kill me and they shot my hand instead." he grunted as he moved it, seemingly painful to lift.

I frowned, already hating to see this and hearing what their intentions was only made the hole in my heart grow deeper and deeper. I didn't want to see Harry in here, and I was scared that I would again for an even worse reason.

"How long are you in for?" I asked.

Zayn looked at me and answered for him. "All week."

My heart dropped. No, this couldn't be happening. That meant that we couldn't take down the gang. That Harry would be forced to kill me one way or another. That this gang would torture me for the rest of my life and make it a living torment.

Apparently Zayn could see the look on my face, because he chuckled and shook his head. "Just messing with you. He'll be out tomorrow."

I fought the urge not to smack him across the face for that. If only he knew what had been going through my head when he said that.

But Harry did that for me. He used his good hand to punch Zayn clean in the chest, taking him aback. But the two just laughed about it right after.

Harry's laugh turned to a stone hard expression. "Don't do that to my girl ever again." he said lowly, staring deeply into Zayn's eyes. That seemed like enough to scare him out of it.

And enough to make me want to give him a giant hug and a kiss, but somehow I fought the urge.

"This is all too dangerous." I whispered, even though no one else was in the room with us. Harry and Zayn nodded in agreement.

"Glad when it's all over, right?" Zayn asked. "Five more days just about."

"Zayn." Harry snapped. "That's not something we should be looking forward to."

Zayn scoffed. "Excuse me lad, but I can't wait to escape this gang life of mine. It's getting a bit too much, even for a hardcore guy like me."

Harry chuckled and I found myself in between playful boy-banter. "Hardcore my buttocks."

"Hardcore my buttocks." Zayn mimicked, and once again Harry landed a blow-- this time to his shoulder.

He smirked sideways. "Harry, you should be thankful that you're in this hospital bed or I would beat the shit out of you."

Harry laughed, glancing at me for a moment before winking; also making my heart flutter. "Me and you then. It's on."

I watched pathetically as Harry fought with one arm and Zayn kept landing blows to Harry's perfect face.

"Stop!" I yelled when I couldn't watch anymore, even if it was just for fun. I didn't want Harry getting hurt any more than he already was. Especially not his face.

Harry looked at me, dumbfounded, but when he realized my motive for saying so he faintly smiled and patted the area on the bed next to him.

I smiled at Zayn and crawled in bed next to Harry, instantly pulling him in for a tight hug that I never wanted to let go of.

"Don't let me go." Harry whispered, his guard falling down for merely a second before hugging me tighter to give me a sense of security.

"Trust me, I never want to."

"Too bad." I heard Zayn say from behind us, causing me to break away and leave Harry pouting. "Me and you need to go get the lad some food from the cafeteria. He wants coffee but the nurses say he can't have any. We have to sneak it in."

Harry frowned. "Zayn, why can't you just go--"

"Because I don't want the two of you in here alone." he said in a clipped tone, as if he were Harry's father. "Two targets in the same place makes it too easy for whoever is out to get you."

Harry's face turned even more upside down. "Then what about me being in here with no company?"

I smiled at Harry's fast wit, but unfortunately Zayn had outsmarted him. He knocked the backpack off my shoulders and quickly slammed his palm on the 'assistance' button, before grabbing my hand and quickly leading us to bolt out the room without any goodbye.

"That was kind of smart." I credited him when we got to the cafeteria. "But it's kind of pissing me off."

Zayn rolled his eyes. "I'm scary smart."

We got a latte for Harry and some takeout from McDonalds, before I stuffed the bag in my shirt and used my jacket to cover the abnormally sized lump. Zayn held the coffee.

"Wait." I said before I left, remembering the note that was left in my popcorn. It didn't bother me as much anymore.

Zayn stopped in his tracks and took a sip of the latte without thought. "Yeah?"

"I think I want something."


I walked over to the cupcake shop inside, hoping to find something that we could all share. But instead of finding a menu on the counter, another slip of paper laid there that I didn't want to read at all.

Order a giant cupcake and eat it all by yourself without question-- or Harry gets it.
Let's see if you can fit into that dress after that, huh?

My blood ran cold.

Whoever wrote this proved that Harry can be easily reached, and I did not want to find that out again.

I would rather lose myself than lose Harry.

The worker came up to me and greeted me with a smile. "Welcome to Zoella's cupcakes, what can I get you today?"

"A...er, giant cupcake please." I stammered, the note disappeared from the counter and Zayn looking at me suspiciously.

"Why would you get a cupcake that big?" he asked with a frown. "I'm sure you can't possibly share that with Harry."

"What can I say?" a fake smile plastered on my face, playing with the slip of paper with my fingers behind my back. "I got hungry."

new kid / h.sNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ