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the video is so adorable you have to watch it before reading this omg


In the end, we bought both the dress and the tuxedo and I couldn't be happier.

Yes, the prom meant risking our lives but what really mattered was that most of it would be the night that most teenagers anticipate. The night that 6th graders are already thinking about.

We stopped to get coffee afterwards just for Harry. And we decided to see a movie as well.

"So..." he droned on, walking with me through the streets of Rosewood. "What will it be? Pixels? Or maybe Mockingjay? Insurgent?"

I giggled. "If we watched insurgent I would just drool over Theo James the whole time."

Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes jokingly. "Okay. No insurgent, then."

We got inside the theater and Harry bought us snacks. He shocked me when he poured the chocolate pieces into the ice cream.

"Ew!" I whined, fumbling my hand in the box that he was holding to find a piece of chocolate. "I don't know about you, but I prefer my chocolate when it's not buttery."

Harry chuckled. "Oh, come on. Live a little!"

I shook my head with a giggle and continued to search for a piece of chocolate candy. Instead, I felt what felt like a piece of paper, and pulled it out hesitantly.

"What's that?" Harry said, staring at it for a moment before looking back up at me.

I didn't want it to be what I thought it was, but I still decided to read it. I turned the slip of paper over, so that Harry couldn't beat me to reading it. It read,

Be careful, Kat. Eat all this junk food and you might not be able to fit that dress anymore. Remember that?

"You okay?" Harry asked, trying to peer over my shoulder and read the note. I forbid him from doing so, and tore the paper in half before throwing it away.

I nodded, immediately surging with guilt after lying to Harry-- even if it was over something small. "Yeah." I faked a smile. "It was just the receipt. It got down there somehow."

Harry's expression went from confusion to a clueless smile again. "Kay." he said shortly, before grabbing a handful of popcorn. "Let me do the honors?"

Suddenly I wasn't feeling up to having my face stuffed with popcorn anymore; even by Harry.

"I'm good." I said, trying to smile but on the inside I was slowly breaking. First the glasses, now the weight-- whatever was next I was definitely not ready for it. And I wasn't sure if I could let Harry know either.

He seemed shocked that I didn't want any, but he still grinned with his dimples popping out. "Is this the same Kat who was just so desperately searching for a piece of chocolate in there?" he laughed and dug a chunk out, beckoning it to me. "Want it?"

I snapped out of my self destructive thoughts to see Harry smiling at me like I was the one thing that made him happy. That made me smile for real.

"Nah." I tried to casually turn him down, but it came out as a strangled cry instead. My voice cracked and tears started to brim my eyesight.

Harry, being the one who knew just how to read into me, rushed over to the garbage can and pulled the half piece of paper out. Just one half was enough for him to read and know what had caused me to break down.

"Oh, Kit Kat." he sighed and led me to a bench, where my chest heaved with pain and tears stained my cheeks. "Please don't listen. You're beautiful. I lo--"

He stopped mid sentence for the second time today, and again I thought nothing of it.

"Harry." I said, hiccuping after. "They're trying to br-break me. They want me to h-hate myself."

Harry looked like he was about to cry himself from my words. "Baby, please don't hate yourself. You're so much more than that." he whispered to me. But all I was thinking about was all those dresses I tried on that wouldn't zip all the way up; all those skinny jeans that wouldn't even ride up to my thighs.

That was a while ago.

But this is now. And now, I'm average weight. I can wear anything. So why was I fretting over nothing? A few kernels of popcorn and chocolate wasn't going to put me on my 400 pound life.

Harry was right. I was so much more than that. I was exactly where I wanted to be. And a puny note slipped into my movie snack was not going to cause me to relapse.

"You're right." I finally said, and the hiccuping and crying stopped. I no longer stuttered. Harry had helped me, and words couldn't put together how grateful I was for him. "Thank you so much."

But what surprised me was the fact that I looked up and Harry was crying himself.

I had no idea what to do. Was I supposed to wrap my arm around him? Hug him? Kiss him? He always knew how to make me feel better. But I wasn't so good at that myself.

"Harry." I sighed as he sobbed over me, and finally I decided to hug him so that his head was buried into my shoulder. His tears wetted my shirt; which I didn't mind at all.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

He was so distraught that he couldn't even speak to me.

"Harry, please don't cry."

It took a while of begging and whispering to him for him to finally look up and his bloodshot eyes met mine.

"I just want these people to stop trying to hurt the one who means the world to me." he cried, before planting his lips to mine.

And not even the taste of salt on my tongue could ruin this perfect moment.


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