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That Wednesday, I decided to meet Harry for coffee downtown. It was a small cafe that no one had ever heard of, which was perfect for discussing the problems that were coming at us like a tsunami just bound to happen. I had no idea that getting involved with Harry also meant getting involved with a gang. And this wasn't anything to play about.

"Hey, Harry." I said when I sat down with him at a table in the corner of the shop.

"Kat." he seemed bothered. "How about I drive you and we talk somewhere different, okay?"

It didn't take much for me to oblige, and before I knew it we were at the school. This confused me more than anything. We went inside and prom had started, which was weird because I thought that it was supposed to be next Saturday.

"Harry--" I started but he cut me off.

"They're here." he said lowly. "Damnit I should've known."

Before I could even think about who he was talking about, four other men showed up across from us, blocking our path.

One had scruffy hair and a nice denim jacket on with vans.

The next had on white converse and skinny jeans, with bleach blonde hair. He looked like one of those charming men from the movies.

Another had a fair amount of hair but not as much as the rest, and I noticed he had four arrow tattoos on one of his arms. Strange.

The last one that I notice had a unique but hot hairstyle, and he was the most intimidating of them all.

In a flash of events, a gunshot rang out and I turned to see Harry on the floor, his green eyes glimmering and his white shirt stained with a blotch of crimson red.

"The job is done." the intimidating one said, and before I could even register it they were gone.

And Harry was dead in a crowd of dancing bodies.

"Harry." I slapped him, hoping he would wake up. I was sweating from the heat of the room, praying that maybe this was all fake. Harry was alive. This was a prank.

"Harry, don't die on me!"



"Harry!" I woke up, breaking out in a heavy sweat. His arm was locked tightly in mine, his green eyes burning deeply into my pair of brown ones.

"Bad dream?" he asked, and before I could even answer he said, "We all have them. What was it about?"

I sat up in bed, confused of the current scene. "The gang." I said dully. "You were hurt. Dead. But things are okay now."

"Yeah." he said, and looked down at his other hand. He extended a cup of tea to me. "You need this. Vivid dreams are a side effect."

"Of?" I asked, still unsure of what was going on.

Harry looked like he didn't believe that I was unaware. "The drug that Hanna put in your frappe. The task that Caitlyn set her up to."

This wasn't making sense at all. "Who's Hanna?" I asked. I had never heard of her until now, and Caitlyn was fine. She would never do anything to hurt me. I barely knew Harry's relation to me, but I do remember I magical kiss. So maybe he was my boyfriend. But that still didn't explain....

"Where are we?" I asked.

Harry's eyes went wide.

What was that supposed to mean?


This was worse than what I had initially thought. Hanna had been wicked enough to put anesthetics and a sleeping drug in her frappe. How much could Kat possibly let by her?

She looked so helpless and innocent sitting there. I bet she had no idea who I was. What she had been through. What I dragged her into.

I picked up my phone and pressed the first number on speed dial. This was it. It was over.

"I'm out of this." I said as soon as the other end picked up. "I don't care how much money you're offering me, I can't keep tricking her like this. I think I love her."

"What are you talking about?" Louis said on the other side of the phone. "We had an agreement. A deal."

"Well I want out of the gang." I said firmly, even though I knew how impossible that was going to be for me to do. "I can't do this anymore."

"Harry, lad, you have to--"

I hung up and stared blankly into Kat's eyes. Who knew how long it was going to take before she got her memory back?

I hoped it wasn't long.

"Who was that on the phone?" she asked curiously, almost like a child would. "Do I know them?"

I took a deep breath. "You could say." I told slowly, and she just nodded and laid back down. "Now get some rest. You'll need it."

"Okay, Harry." she said and I could already tell she was at peace.

And if I had never come into her life, she would truly be.

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