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When I woke up, everyone was in the same position as when I fell asleep. Kat was laying down on the couch and the popcorn was spilled beside her, and Harry laid completely on top of her with a blanket covering him completely.

They were so cute together that it physically and emotionally hurt me.

Too bad that they weren't a couple, but I would have though otherwise.

I felt super bad that I had to lie to Kat about why I was even in her house in the first place, but I wasn't telling a complete lie. I needed somewhere to stay since my parents kicked me out. And Kat's mom happened to be friends with my parents. They took me in and promised to keep it on the down low.

I got up, immediately stretching my arms and entertaining the idea of a nice, warm shower.

But just as I was going to start up the stairs, the pile on the couch started to move... and groan.

"Harry... you awake?" I mumbled. My question was answered when he stood to his feet and looked around, dazed. His eyes met mine.

"How do you know my name..?" he asked, his voice croaky and uneven. If this was what brit's morning voices sounded like, I could have lived there if I wanted to.

"People talk." I said bluntly, before stepping on the first step of the staircase.

I was about to go up more, but Harry stopped me. "Wait." he called. I turned and faced him.


"Do you know how to make a good pancake?"


When I woke up, I was shocked and disgusted to see a pool of my own saliva on the couch next to my head.

I jerked up immediately to the sound of laughing that sounded awfully familiar, and silverware clanging in the distance. Something felt... off.

Oh, that was it-- Harry wasn't laying on me any longer.

I sighed and walked straight up the stairs before using my bathroom to freshen myself up. I changed into yoga pants and a tee and let my hair loose without combing it (lazy, I know).

I was basically a zombie as I walked down the stairs, in hope of snagging the last pop tart if it was still there.

But I was surprised to see a grinning Harry-- and Kimberly, standing with their clothes covered in white powder. Harry was holding a whisk, and Kimberly was holding a bag of chocolate chips.

"I made you breakfast." Harry said cheesily, and I laughed when I gave into how dorky he looked.

I wiped my finger on his shirt, and licked the powder. It was pancake mix.

I giggled. This was definitely not expected. "I see you had help from Kimberly." I eyed her suspiciously. Maybe this was her plan. To sit down on my couch and take Harry from right under me.

Who was I to know if she was in Harry's rival gang?

I smiled anyway.

She nodded. "Harry asked me to help!" she beamed. "He said he wanted to make it up to you for dinner last night."

Harry's cheeks were deep pink now. "And.. uh, for letting me lay on you when I slept."

I played my the loose treads on my shirt. "Aw, Harry. You really didn't have to."

"I know." he said simply, and that was all it took for my heart to completely sink into my stomach.

Or maybe it was because I was hungry, because a rumbling noise immediately followed.

"Something tells me Kit Kat is hungry." Harry teased, leading me over to my own dinner table. There sat pancakes stacked as high as possible with fresh fruit and powdered sugar, and a can of whipped cream sat to the side. I sat down and so did Harry.

"You're not going to eat that all by yourself, are you?" he asked and I shook my head. Even as hungry as I was, there no way me-- with my little stomach-- could handle all of this.

Kimberly was staring down at us, she looked almost like a proud mother. "Ill leave you two to eat now." she grinned. "Enjoy your meal."

I laughed as Harry pulled the whipped cream can out and sprayed some on his nose. He took a berry from the top of the pancakes and stuck it on top too.

"Delicious." he laughed. "Try to lick it off."

That was ridiculous, giving me all the more reason to try it. "Okay, okay." I giggled, and licked the whipped cream and fruit off his nose. It still tasted the same, and Harry's laugh spread throughout the room.

"That tickles!" he yelled, and sprayed the cream on my nose. This time he licked it off of my nose, and I laughed loudly.

"You're right." I giggled loudly. "It does tickle!"

Soon enough we started to eat the pancakes, and I had to admit that they were better than any stack I could've ever made. Harry ate most of it though, so he must've worked up an appetite from just eating glorified shrimp and popcorn last night.

When it was finished, Harry cleaned the whipped mess that was left on the table. I washed the dishes that we used and before I knew it, my parents came strolling in-- in search of cereal.

"Hey kiddos." my dad said, as cheerful as ever.

Harry just gave them a cheesy smile. "Good morning, Mr and Mrs Weber."

My mom seemed to like the title, because she opened the fridge and handed Harry one of our best cans of fresh lemonade. In this house, that was something we earned-- and Harry got one like it was a freebie.

"Nice." he smirked, looking down at the label. "I heard that this is the best lemonade in Philly."

Dad nodded proudly. "And your girlfriend's uncle so happens to own the company."

I smacked him in the shoulder. "Dad!" I scolded, "He's not my boyfriend. We're not dating."

Harry just kept that cute smirk plastered on his face and took a sip of the lemonade.

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