Chapter 9

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I was listening to music in my room it was bedtime and I didn't wanna listen to all the snoring from other girl's.

I turned on my side and stared at a picture of me and my Mom and softly touched it wishing she can just take me out of here. I shed a tear and quickly wiped it away she always told me don't cry when God take her away she's in a good place.

"Aziya". Drew said taking my earphones out.

I scooted over for him and let him get some cover since it get Cold at night.

"You smell so good". Drew said kissing my neck.

"Thanks Drew stop all that". I said scooting over.

"Why what's wrong,what I do I thought we was cool ?". He said lowly.

"We are it's just I think you want me For sex I may play around but I'm a virgin and I don't want to lead you on that way". I said not turning into his direction.

"Aziya look at me".

I turned around facing him and looked him into his eyes.

"I ain't gonna flaunt or nothing but do you not know how many girls here wanted me to have sex with me.. It's too many to count. I'm don't try to chase Pussy or try to sugar coat girls to get in their pants. I ain't the type of dude you think I am babygirl I really just wanna fuck with you tough,I never really felt a type of way chilling with a girl but you changed that".

"If I'm coming off a certain way I will slow down,I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable". He added.

"I apologize Drew I just don't like feeling like I'm getting played around here,but no lie I really like you I just wanted to clear that up and I want things to slow down".

"Alright Aziya I feel you and I will for you".

He leaned over and gave me and kiss and pulled me closer to him. I felt better letting that out I fell Asleep with a smile on my face.

The Next Day..

"Okay can we have a break I'm tired of selling everyday". I said walking into Danna's room.

"Aziya really? You have to be joking ! You want this fucking money don't you? We're gonna sell this shit all day and ever night".She yelled.

"Danna your not my mom so you can pipe down foreal. I'm tired of doing the shit you act like we can't have a break damn".

"Look I know Drew fucking you but don't start acting brand fucking New Aziya he might be filling up your head with bullshit but bitch hop back in reality and stop getting smart with me".

I threw all the jewelry down and looked at her.
"You not about to be bitching me around Danna everything was all good but you acting to controlling we all have are roles we said we wasn't having no leader because this the type of shit that happens .. I'm gone, dumb bitch". I said as I walked out.

I walked down to my room pissed off. It's so boring I know we tryna make money but damn it's Sunday,God said to rest not to keep working.

People was staring at me I simply mugged them I wasn't in the mood. She always think she run shit and she don't. Fuck them they can have all that money. I don't need to be in no good I can fuck with myself heavily.

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