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I just sat there with tears forming into the corner of my eyes. No, Ally you can't cry over some stupid boy that broke your heart. You don't even like him like that.

I took a deep breath and let it out. Starting the car and driving back to my house this time. Once I got there I unlocked the house door and closed it behind me.

I put the bag that had the sheets in, up in my room. Since I'm here why not change them.


"Hey Guys" I said walking through Sam's door.

They all rushed towards me and began asking me all of these questions.

"Guys, guys!" They all stopped and looked at me shocked that I basically screamed at them.

"Someone just tell me what you are all worried about"

Sam began to speak. "We were all worried about you because we didn't see you at the park and you weren't answering any of our calls and texts. We almost called the cops because we thought something bad happened to you."

"I'm sorry I didn't check my phone and I went to the store to get me new sheets and I also put them on my bed, burning my old ones"

They didn't say anything, they just gave me a big hug. They finally let go and I began to speak up.

"Guys, I'm going to go to bed now. It's late."

They all said there good nights and hugs then I went up to Sam's room. I changed into some nike pros and one of Sam's shirts that fit like a dress on me.

I looked at the clock and it said 10 o'clock. It's weird that I'm already so tired. I laid in his bed and pulled the sheets over my body.

I jut laid there looking at really nothing because it was dark in his room. After a little while, the door opened and a figure came in the room. I was guessing it was Sam, so I just closed my eyes and laid on my stomach as if I was sleeping.

The bed dipped, meaning he came into the bed and pulled me into his chest. I snuggled closer to him and started falling asleep.

"I like you a lot Ally just know that"

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